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From: Natasha :P
Good night Calum :)

I felt a weird feeling inside me. A feeling that I've never felt before. Like, I've talked to girls, but not like this. Like I've never talked to girl and had a nice proper conversation. When talking to Natasha, she's not self centred and I like that. It caught me off guard that Natasha found out about Sarah and I. I don't know why I lied to Natasha. It was a natural reflex. Honestly, I didn't want to tell her because I don't want her to think little of me.

I never wanted to stay round Sarah's. I just wanted to take my mind off of things. I need to talk to someone.

I got my phone and called Luke.

"Hello?" Luke said tiredly. "Dude, help me!" I whispered yelled. "Calum! You know it's fucking 5:30 in the morning!" Luke groaned. "I know, I know..I can't sleep." I replied. "I gathered." Luke moaned.

"So why did you call?" Luke asked. "I'm confused." I sighed. "With what?" Luke asked. "Okay..So I've been talking to someone and-" "You've been talking to someone? Why am I just hearing this now? It better not be Sarah, because she told me what you did last week." I could practically see Luke rolling his eyes.

"No! It's not Sarah. What the hell has she been telling you?" I shouted. "Don't shout Cal! And she mentioned about you coming over, and giving her a fuck." Luke snickered.

"Oh god, she's not telling everyone is she?" I mentally slapped myself. "Well she does have a big mouth, so I'm not surprised if our whole year knows." Luke stated. I groaned because he right. Sarah was known for a gossiper. If you heard a story, it was always from her. "Anyway, who are you talking too then?" Luke changed the subject.

"Well, I accidentally texted the wrong person, and it's continued since then." I said nervously. "Who are you texting then?" Luke said. "She goes to our school." I said. "Well that's not a surprise, you've basically been with every girl, Cal." Luke moaned. "Fuck off! I have not." I defended myself.

"So what's her name then?" Luke questioned. "Natasha." I smiled. I didn't even realise that I was smiling. "Natasha Dawley?" Luke asked.
"I don't know her last name." I confessed. "And how long have you been talking to her?" Luke laughed. "Shut it! I've been talking to her for at least two weeks." I said. "Well that's not that long." Luke stated. "I know. And I..well..I have weird feelings...feelings that I've never really felt before." I confessed.

"Are you telling me..Calum Hood has feelings for a girl?" Luke said dramatically. "Shut up! I've liked a girl before, you know." I said in a monotoned voice. "I never said you liked her." Luke shot back. "Oh shut up Luke." I shot back.

"So how long have you liked her Cally Wally?" Luke bursted into laughter. "Fuck off!" I shouted. "Answer my question then?" Luke replied. "I don't like her like that Luke. I don't even know what it is. It's probably nothing." I stated. "So if it's nothing, then why did you call?" Luke sighed. "Shut it, Hemmings." I said.

"I thought Natasha goes out with Ashton?" Luke said. "No. Where did you hear that?" I asked. "I didn't hear it from anyone, they just seem to be close and all." Luke said. "Well I caught Natasha kissing Ashton, and I asked her about it, and she said that it meant nothing." I shrugged. "They kissed?" Luke gasped. "On the cheek." I said. "That's nothing." Luke chuckled.

"I'm just so confused." I sighed. "Why don't you hang out with her?" Luke suggested. "Are you stupid?" I said. "What? It's a good idea." Luke defended himself. "We hardly know each other, don't you think that it will be weird of me to bring up about hanging out together?" I asked. "You'll never know until you try. You could get to know her more." Luke said. "I'll think about it." I said.

"Or, you could get to know Ashton more." Luke said. "I want to know more about Natasha, not Ashton, Luke." I sighed. "I know Calum. If you become closer with Ashton and his friends, maybe she'll see that you're friends with him." Luke said. "Why would she care if I was friends with Ashton or not?" I moaned. "Have you not seen how close them two are?" Luke made a point. "I'll try." I said. "Anyway, I'm going because it's nearly 7, and I have work in two hours, bye." Luke said whilst ending the call.

I placed my phone down and just stared up at my ceiling. It felt like hours that I was awake, but I felt my eyes finally shut close. As I was about to fall into a deep sleep I heard my phone go off.

From: Natasha :P
Good morning! :D

Really? Now? Maybe if I don't reply she'll realise that I'm asleep.

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