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"EXCUSE ME, SIR?" PERSEPHONE spoke innocently, catching the attention of a thick man tossing ingredients into his basket. The burgundy red-haired girl sniffled, forcing her eyes to well up with tears. "I can't seem to find my parents. Can you help me?" She was able to make some tears roll down her freckled cheeks.

The man before her was taken aback but looked at her petite form and pulled his lips into a toothy smirk, "Sure thing, kid, follow me." He dropped the basket to the ground and led her out of the small convenient store and into the parking lot.

As they walked, Percy's eyes searched his entire body, stopping as she noticed the outline of car keys in his pocket.


She reached forward and snatched the keys sneakily, sliding them under her sleeve and putting her vulnerable look back on.

Before they could leave, she spoke up, "Um, I don't want to be too much of a bother," she sniffed, "but I really have to use the restroom. Could you wait outside and help me when I finish?" A visible expression of irritation shown on the big man's face, but he still nodded and changed direction.

Percy swung the door open to the single toilet bathroom, which smelled even worse than it looked. She smirked menacingly and pulled the lid of the toilet down, standing on top of it and forcing the window above it open. She shimmied her tiny body through the window just as the old guy swung the door open, intentions most likely worse than hers.


She clicked the unlock button, finding an older car in peachy condition lighting up. Her legs carried her to the car, and she started it up, driving it out of the parking lot as if she were a drunk. It was in the nick of time, as well, since the man came running out only a moment after. A snicker left her lips as she changed the gear to speed, going well over the limit down the nearly empty street.

Persephone rounded the corner and pulled into the local car shop, managing to park the car directly in the way of the garage. She tugged the key out of the ignition.

"Who'd you scam for this hunk of junk?" Perkins questioned, taking her pale hand into his to help her out of the car. She giggled.

"Some creep at the gas station. Pulled the one act we came up with together." She grinned.

"Must've worked."


"Don't sass me, girl." His gruff voice snapped as she tossed him the keys before he led her to the register. "How much did you say you needed for this one?"

"Hmm, hundo bucks'll do." Perkins gave her a look as she smiles at him, letting him know she wouldn't be taking any less than what he owed her.

"Don't spend it all in one trip." He slapped the money onto the counter for her to swipe.

"Thanks, old man. I think I'm going to get a phone; I've saved just enough. What do you think?" Percy asked before eyeing the clock. "Shit, Sister Amelia will have my ass if I'm not back soon. I told her I would be back before supper." She tucked the cash into the pocket of her dirty skinny jeans.

"Pleasure doing business with you, Purse." She waved him off, the bell of the creaky door dinging throughout the small shop.

She tucked her hands into her pocket, remembering the bubblegum she managed to snatch while at the store. Popping one in her mouth, she continued her way to the orphanage.

Her home.

This was Persephone Botan's life. She scammed anyone and everyone on the regular, getting jack shit in return from old man Perkins. She hid her earnings in a Mason jar under her cot, masked with a dusty old quilt. The nuns looked through the children's belongings so this way she could make a living for herself without them finding out.

She was adopted often, albeit was returned in only a matter of days due to her poor behavior and tendencies for creating trouble.

Some families were lovely, some, though, she didn't get so lucky with. She returned from these with more trauma than she did the last. Various scars decorated her back and stomach and arms, some so ugly she scrubs at them in the shower, desperately wishing they'd disappear.

It was ridiculous how some adults adopt a girl only to hurt her.

Percy bit back a groan as she lifted herself through the open window, flopping on her bed and allowing a huff to escape her lips. She heard a creak and shot up, seeing her deaf bedmate, Melanie, standing at the foot of her cot. The redhead lifted a finger to her lips as if to say 'shh.'

"How long have you been there?" She signed, still breathing heavily from her journey to the second-floor window.

"I've been waiting for you to come back. I found out when the next hunter exam is taking place." A grin split on Melanie's face as she quickly tucked one of her braids behind her ear, fingers moving quickly in sign. "It's in one month."

Percy smiled, "Thank you! I've made enough money for a phone and some new clothes. I'll keep in touch."

Melanie twiddled her thumbs, making Persephone gesture for her to say what was on her mind.

Before she could, though, they were interrupted as a recognizable flop of black hair flung the door open, a toothy smirk placed on their face.

"Kai," Percy giggled.

"You're back!" They laughed, jumping onto the bed with her while Mel sat at the foot of it. "Did Mel tell you about the hunter exam?"

"Yeah, I gotta brush up on some things beforehand if you'd like to help out with that." She suggested.

"Obviously. There is one thing, though, that I want you to promise me." Percy nodded, "Promise that we'll stay best friends forever, even if you find new people?"

"I promise."

a/n: little bit of a ps - i improved as a writer drastically after writing the prologue and i can promise you my writing from here on out is actually pleasant

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a/n: little bit of a ps - i improved as a writer drastically after writing the prologue and i can promise you my writing from here on out is actually pleasant. please bear with me!

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