iv. the devil

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THE ENDEAVOR TO THE exam site was a long one. First with the quiz, then with a nice-looking cabin which was actually very deceitful.

Opening the doors, Percy nearly had a heart attack as she noticed a fox-like beast snickering above a man covered in blood, a woman in hand. Kurapika brought to their awareness it was a kiriko, which didn't help the girl as she'd never even heard of it.

It took the woman hostage, and Percy helped Kurapika and Gon get her back. It was easy, her and the boy's agility coming in clutch with it.

Then they figured out they were fucking shapeshifters? Percy tried her best to keep up. There were multiple kirikoes? What? And they're married, of course, they are.

All that mattered, though, was that they proved themselves worthy. The kirikoes explained that her and Gon's trust in each other was what stood out to them. The two teens were very alike, ability-wise.

Percy didn't believe she trusted Gon, nor did she think she displayed it. It was odd they pointed it out in the first place.

"A navigator's main job is to identify worthy applicants of the hunter exam. We're also responsible for guiding them to the exam site. You see, that's because it's almost impossible to find the location without a navigator." The blue-haired man spoke. They were in Zaban City, now, courtesy of the kirikoes abilities of flight. Following the navigator through various small shops, Percy spotted one that was selling panda frogs on sticks.

Ehh, I probably could have done it.

"You know, Zaban City is really a sketchy place," Leorio observed, holding his briefcase behind his shoulder.

"Oh my god, is that a bong?" Percy was suddenly walking away, seeing two men smoking out of a bong. She was quickly stopped when Leorio grabbed the back of her shirt.

"Hey, don't be going off to do drugs, dammit!" He scolded her, letting go as she tensed up.

"Ok, my bad."

They walked a ways until they came to an opening. The city was much busier than Dolle Harbor, which made Percy's anxiety shoot through the roof.

"Here we are. I'm pretty sure that's the building." The navigator said, seemingly pointing towards a tall, fancy building that made the lot gasp. "This is it." He gestured to a much smaller shop, just next to the skyscraper. It was mossy and overgrown, too.

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