vii. the milsy wetlands

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THE 368 APPLICANTS WHO made it through the underground tunnel found themselves in an unexplored land teeming with strange creatures, known as the Milsy Wetlands.

As Percy's feet pumped her forward, they smacked into the slushy grass and made a sound that had her want to cut her ears off. She found herself falling a little too close to Gon and Killua in these unpredictable lands and she cursed herself for being as weak as to depend on one of these boys she just met if something were to go unplanned.

"Now everyone," Satotz began, bellowing from a place the girl couldn't see through all of the shirtless and sweaty people, "please make sure to follow close behind me." He announced for what seemed like the hundredth time.

The fog grew thicker as the applicants proceeded, they could barely see anything at all.

"Percy, Gon. Let's try to move up to the front." Killua suggested. They both nodded. "I just wanna put a little more distance between Hisoka and us. Staying too close is dangerous. I can smell it."

Gon sniffed the air, "I don't think he smells."

The trio sped up, making their way to the front of the panting crowd. She could make out the sound of screams behind her, but decided against reacting. She trusted that Leorio and Kurapika could handle themselves in the heavy fog and devious creatures. She held her breath.

"I wonder what's happening... I can hear people screaming all around us." Gon pointed out. Percy nodded, cautiously looking behind her to see nothing but white clouds. She readjusted the strap of her bag, unconsciously hovering her hand over her knife straps.

"That's why we need to stay careful." Killua replied.

"I haven't seen the guys in a while, I just hope they're safe." The green favoring boy brought his lips into a straight line, crossing his fingers.

Percy felt the ground beneath her shift, so she stopped in her tracks, Killua and Gon mirroring her. Suddenly, the ground below them fell. They let out yelps of surprise, the jaws of some type of creature snapping shut, captivating them inside.

She was about to scream. Slime-y saliva covered her from head to toe, her hair sticky and damp. It wasn't long before the creature spit them out, along with pools of spit. Gon chuckled, and Percy was angry with him for finding this entertaining.

"I guess he must not of liked the way we tasted, huh?" Now that she was looking at the animal, she could identify it as some type of giant frog. It was long with short, webbed feet—like a lizard—but it's facial features resembled her favorite swamp pet. (A frog.)

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