Friends?, And The Free For All

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I was walking With Kim and Mitch and Tina and Mike and a Kid came over and asked us to walk and Kim and Mitch let him i think his name was Jerome? Well anyways he seemed nice enough so he joined our little group.


I meet a few Kids today and i joined them at lunch and they explained the rules and stuffz so the next day i meet a kid named Danny with Kimmy, Mitch, Meranda, Tina, and Mike he grabbed me and demanded my lunch money Kimmy through a punch wich got him square in the eye witch started a free for all in the caffiteria I hid under a lunch table and tripped a few kids the big fight lasted an hour and Meranda layed Danny out 5 times in 5 minutes and Mitch got a black eye, Mike went to the nurce, and Tina flipped a few people over her shoulder, and Kimmy beat up 3 people and the lunch lady


Me and the group fled the school and went to Tina's House were we hid from our parents the whole week when we went back we were not grounded and we always packed our lunches.


Good Bye My Kittens and See you next Chapter)

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