The Second Games Comtinue

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I saw Meranda bring her axe down and Jerome walks away from the arena rubbing his head and Mitch's mom yelled "Jerome has died to Meranda". I was fighting Mike with a FLICKING BOW! and i took my bow and slid it into his leg hard and i hit him in the head with it he got up a little after and he looked at me as Mitch and Kimmy ran away and he soon followed not befor geting an arrow in his arm by me as a warning shot


My mind was spining from that hit on the head from Kelsey with the back of her sword. when we got to camp I sank to the bottom of the tree and i held my head and Kimmy looked at me with her brown eyes looking a little worried then to Mikes arm with the arrow and i sat there staring into space but on high alert as Mike Stood over me in a protective look in his eyes and in his body language Kimmy was practiceing her aim with her bow and then she stopped and collected her arrows. I was recovered and stood and looked at her i asked "Are we ready for another ambush?"


"I guess" i said in an unsure voice Mike Nodded. we wlked toward the center and hid in the trees and snuck closer to thier camp and i saw them Tina keeping high alert Kelsey held her head from when Mitch got her on the head too on the head and Meranda looking like she was furious and about to explode i wanted to laugh but i held it back and Kelsey looked at wear we were but did not see us

Good Night My Kittens and Have fun with the suspence till i post the next chapter XD XD XD you can't stop me I'M UNTAMABLE

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