The Games Begin

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(Two year time skip)

Me and Jerome had created a new game to play at recess and the group decided to join in at Tina's house tonight we all broght fake weapons and me and Jerome explained (Basicly the Hunger Games).

We all standed twenty feet from the spread out pile of weapons and backpacks and our parents were all there in the woods my Mom held up a horn and said "RUN IN 3... 2...1" The horn blew and me Kimmy and jerome nodded at each other as we ran to the wooden and plastic weapons...


Me Jerome and Mitch grabbes a few weapons Mitch a sword, Jerome and Axe, and Me a bow and 30 suction cup arrows and we ran my mom yelled Mike died to Meranda as we ran and a felt something on my leg and i looked down the back of my leg, Tina got me in the leg with a bow.

(Let the Games Continue in the next Chapter

Good Night My Kittens and see you in the next Chapter)

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