Storms... And a a Kid Named Kelsey

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(????'S P.O.V)

Me and my mom and dad... Moved. HOW COULD THEY MOVE NOW! I looked at my dad and he looked at me we reached a block from school and he stopped and i jumped out into the storm and a few kids were walking all talking and laghing in the storm i ran over and they smiled at me and they let me join them and we walked and laghed the whole way we came in majorly wet  when we gotto class we had dried out a little but no one looked at us cuz this was apparently normal for this group of kids oh and By the way I'm Kelsey...


We got to class with this kid named Kelsey and at lunch we told her every thing and about Danny at ressece the teachers did not care if we got wet and we avoided Danny and his gang the rain was coming down hard and we had fun.


When we went home we all meet at Tina's house and we taught her all the stuff that we do. Kelsey caught on really fast.


I taught her about "The Games" and some self defence and some good fighting moves, Tina and Kimmy taght her how to use a bow.

(Hi Kelsey

Good Night My Kittens and see you next Chapter)

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