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I can't believe someone hurt my angel. They will feel the pain. Lennox finally was able to fall asleep, so I head down to talk to Prez.

"Hey gunner." I say as I walk into his office.

"Sup Thor?" Gunner questions.

"All that lady wanted was money." I groan.

"Of course. Did Len tell you why she gave it to her?" Gunner.

"She said that it was easier." I growl.

"Let's call Ink, see what he thinks." Gunner says while dialing Inks number.


>This is Inks phone. (Cindy)

<Who is this? (Gunner)

>This is Cindy. May I ask who is calling?

<Where is Ink?

We hear rustling on the other end for few minutes.

>OMG. Gunner, how is my girl??? (A girl screams)

<Paxton I told you that she would be fine. I need your brother.

>Not til I speak to my girl! (Paxton)

<She is my girl, and she needs her sleep ( I growl)

>Who is that??? Have you claimed her? Do I get to come to the wedding? (Paxton keeps questioning)

<Paxton, sense your here. How much you know about Lenny's family? (Gunner)

>Moms a dead beat. Dads dead and step dad never met, but Len is super scared of him.

<You know why? (I ask)

>Not a clue..... Why?

<Just wondering hun. (Gunner answers for me)

>Hey so Ink said that I get to come see my friend next week, so where do I go once to town for your guys to meet me?

<Your coming to town? (Gunner)

>You cant keep her from her sister! I'm flying in 6 days. (Paxton growls)

Gunner looks at me. I know what he's questioning, before my brain even thinks it through.

<Lennox and I will be waiting for you at the airport. ( I answer stunning Gunner)

>Great! And there will be a spare room at the clubhouse for me or will Len and I share? (Paxton asks making Gunner to look at me again.)

<There will be a spare room at my house for you. (I answer completely unsure of everything now.)

>I want to be close to my sister thou! (Paxton growls)

<She will be at Thor's house also, Paxton. Can I please talk to Ink now? (Gunner)

>Sure. See you guys.(Paxton)

>Hello? (Ink)

<Hey Ink (Gunner says)

>Gunner. Great to hear from you. How is Lenny?

<Okay. She had an accident, but I have my best taking care of her.

>Great. So what's the pleasure of calling?

<how well do you know Lenny's past?

>Not much. She wouldn't talk about it. I know she prefers a group house setting or completely alone. I'm not sure if that's because she was in one? But she wont go to a single person house unless her own. And that her mother always wants money.

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