Valentines Day

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This was requested by @Pups1098 so the request goes to her/him for coming up with the idea (Ik it is not February, but just pretend, XD)

It was finally Valentines Day! I've been waiting for this day since Chapa and I started dating, I saved up a lot of money to buy her these delicious teddy bear chocolates!

I got dressed and went into the store in a rush to buy the chocolates, luckily, they were only $5.00, and I had $100. I went to the cashier, and waited for her to scan them.

"You getting these for someone?" asked the cashier

"Yup!" I said

"For who?" asked the cashier

"My girlfriend" I said

"Your girlfriend?" she asked

"Yeah?" I said

"But aren't you a girl?" asked the cashier

"Yeah, but I am (Y/s/t/s/y/c/a/l/g) (Your 6uality that shows you can also like girls)

"That's weird" said the cashier

What? How is that weird?

"How is that weird?" I asked

"Girls liking girls is" said the cashier

"It is a thing that has been happening for years" I said

"Nahh, people should like people their opposite gender, or else they are just weird and not normal" said the cashier 

Oh okay, I get it. This bitch is homophobic! And I do not like it!

"Well if you're just gonna be a homophobic bitch, then I'm just gonna pay and go!" I said

"No, you're not gonna pay" said the cashier

"Yes I am, you already scanned it!" I said, put the $5.00 on the counter, and got out with the chocolates.

"I can undo the scanning!" said the cashier

"Nope, too late! You cant undo the scanning after the person pays. Now bye you homophobic wannabe!" I said

Gosh I hate homophobic people, I just want to rip them apart, I'm lucky I had this machine Schwoz created that helped me calm down, I was using that, if I hadn't been using that thing, I would've gotten so mad out of control, that I'd leave the cashier all bloody and probs go to jail-

Time skip 

Using my power, I though that the people didn't see the chocolate, and didn't even see me holding anything.

"Hey guys!" I said

"Hiiiii!" said Mika

"Sup!" said Miles

"Hi, Y/n!" said Bose

"So uhh, where's Chapa?" I asked

"Oh uhh, she said that she might not be able to come today" said Mika

My heart dropped

"B-But why?" I asked

"Her parents didn't want het to go out for Valentines day" said Miles

"They wanted her to spend time with her family" said Mika

"Oh, so I got these teddy bear shaped chocolates for no reason?" I asked, as I stopped thinking that they couldn't see me holding the chocolates.

"Wait! Where did they come from?" asked Bose

"Oh, I was using my powers to stop you from seeing them!" I said

"Oh, that makes sense" said Bose

"Hey, guys. I couldn't find the gi--" started Chapa, as she entered the Mans Nest. Wait- she was here this whole time?!

"Alright, explain" I said

"Well..." started Mika

"Well?" I asked

"Chapa got you a gift for valentines day" started Miles

"But then she slipped and it fell into water" said Bose

"And while she was trying to dry the gift, it just got worse" said Mika

"Then a bird pooped on it" said Miles

"And while she was trying to clean that, she accidentally made the bird poop bigger" said Bose

"Then she realized that she was standing in the middle of the street, and a car was passing by" said Mika

"So she tried to save herself, but while doing that the present dropped, and the car crashed the present" said Miles

"And now she was trying to find a new present so you don't think she doesn't care about you if she doesn't get the present on time" said Bose

"Babe, is this all true?" I asked

"W-well.....yeah...." said Chapa, looking down

"Hey, it's fine, you didn't have to get me anything. It's just a gift that has been ruined after all, it's not a puppy or anything" I said

"Heh, that is true" said Chapa, as we smiled at each other

"Oh! Here" I said, and gave her the chocolates 

"Omg! Thanks!" said Chapa

"No probs" I said

We hugged

I can't believe she went through all that, little does she know, she's the best present I could ask for.


Oki, I think I am just gonna start writing random books. Cuz why not?

I will try to update like 1 book every day, but I want to update my DF books so they are all on the same level

Anyways, ILY all, byeee!

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