Badly Hurt

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Credits go to BobaChan1!

BTW, this story will have 2 parts, 1 where y/n survives, and 1 where she dies........sooo ye-

Y/n pov:

I barely could feel a part of my body, I tried to open my eyes, but it was a little blurry

"Y/n? Y/n! Y/n, don't worry, everything is gonna be just fine! You're gonna be ok!" said a voice, which I think it was Chapa, she had been my crush for a long time, and she was always there for me, and I was always there for her

I tried to talk, but nothing came out, I looked around, and saw, I think Schwoz, he was working on something, and I was starting to feel that I was laying on a soft place

"She lost a lot of blood, this might take a few days for her to survive" said Schwoz

Survive? What- what happened?

"Ok, as long as she still lives, it doesn't matter how long it takes" said Mika

"Y/n, stay with me!" said Chapa, but I could feel my eyes getting weak, maybe I should sleep for a little while?

"No, y/n, NO! Schwoz, check her heartbeat!" said Chapa

"She's still gonna live, I am sure she's just resting and closing her eyes, she has a pretty strong body" said Schwoz

But I just drifted off to sleep after he said that.......

One Eternity Later

I was done sleeping, time to wake up. I slowly opened my eyes, it was a little blurry, but then my vision came back to me

"She's awake, GUYS, SHE'S AWAKE!" screamed.......Chapa?

"C-Chapa?" I asked, but my voice could only come out in a whisper

"Yeah, y/n/n, it's me, I'm so glad you're alive" said Chapa, making me lightly smile

"What happened?" I asked

"Oh, y/n! You were so badly hurt, we were fighting a villain, and then like 10 small knives hit your body, you just fell on the floor, but Miles was able to catch you, so he bought you back into the Mans Nest, then Ray did the rest of the fighting. Schwoz was able to keep you alive, how do you feel? Are you alright?" asked Chapa

"A little tired, but I think I'm fine" I said

"I am so glad you're ok" said Chapa, then stared at me, with a straight face, but her eyes were looking super cute, she then started to lean in.


Hold up

Is she


Kiss me?

She leaned in super close, and slowly made our lips meet. Oh my God! This is the moment I've wanted my whole life with Chapa! It was happening! We were kissing!

Life Has It's Own Ways (Danger Force  {Chapa/Havan X Reader} )Where stories live. Discover now