Eating Issues

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*Requested chapter*


Chapa and I were at Hip Hop Purée, we were just eating hot dogs because we both felt like we needed some fast food. 

"This is like my 5th hot dog, I feel like I'm eating too much," Chapa laughed. I laughed too but my smile faded as I realized what she said. 

Eating too much? That's... Suddenly I'm not that hungry...

"I'm full, uh, I'll probably just take this one home." 

Chapa frowned, "You sure? You usually eat about 2-3 hot dogs..." 

"Yeah, I'm sure!" but I wasn't sure. I was still hungry, but I don't wanna get fat either. I guess I gained enough energy. 


Well, now we were at home, and we were watching the Scream series. Chapa was dying of laughter, I was shoving pop-corn into my mouth knowing it doesn't have any calories. Then Chapa stood up, "I'm gonna go get some cookies, want some?" I love cookies...

"No thanks! I'm good." 

She frowned, "You sure? You love cookies." 

"Yeah, I'm sure. Thanks." 

"Okay..." said Chapa, got some cookies for herself, then we continued watching the movie. 


We were getting ready for bed now, Chapa was done with the bathroom, so I went in next. I didn't need to pee, but I did it anyways. After I washed my hands I looked back at the toilet. Should I puke? I have a little stomachache...

Maybe later... I don't wanna have to deal with cleaning up now. Gosh all this time I was eating so good, and now I'm doubting myself again... It's the worst feeling ever. 

I brushed my teeth, did my skincare, then I went to bed. 

"Goodnight, Y/n/n," said Chapa

"Goodnight, Chaps." 


The next morning we were having breakfast, I made an omelet so we were eating that. As we finished up eating, our timer rang, it meant we needed to start getting ready. 

"Coat?" I asked

"Check. Books?" asked Chapa

"Check. Homework?" 

"Check. Snacks?" 

"Uh, not check for me, check for you." 

Chapa groaned, "Y/n, what's going on? You've been denying food requests, this is so unlike you. Are you ok?" 

"Yeah. I'm fine I'm just not hungry--" 

"We both know that's a fucking lie. Tell me the truth." 

"But this is  the truth!" 

"No, it's not. I'm not leaving until you tell me the truth." said Chapa

"Fine! Yesterday... When we were at Hip Hop, you said you were eating too much and it made me question myself..." 

"Y/n... I only said that as a joke... You're perfect just the way you are, that's why I like you. Don't doubt yourself. I'm sorry if you're sensitive about it, I won't say it again. I get it wasn't the best thing to joke about." 

"It's alright. Thanks," Chapa and I hugged it out, then we went to school. 

After that day, I tried to keep my eating on a steady level, not too much, but not too little. I do eat sweets and chips, but I keep it in balance. 

Sorry it's short!

Life Has It's Own Ways (Danger Force  {Chapa/Havan X Reader} )Where stories live. Discover now