Roller coaster

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I like to thank a6demon for the help :3
Thanks buddy <3

Bad and a6d are invited to the theme park. They big got messages from Dream. Dream also invites Sapnap, Finn, and George. Dream wants to have fun time with them.

a6d and Bad both use their car and arrive at the theme park. They see Dream in the front gate.

"BAD! A6D! YOU GUYS MADE IT" Dream says with a cheerful tone. He gives them both a hug.

"Hey there Dream, sooo you already brought the tickets?" Bad asks.

"Just about to." Dream responds. Dream guys 6 tickets and head in. The park seems fun but it's not really crowded.m which makes the group sigh in relief as they won't get into a long line.

"Sooo which one do you guys we should do?" Dream asks.

"Hey what about shooting game?" Sapnap asks, pointing to the stand.

"I'm coming with you, Sapnap. Don't worry guys, he's a cowboy and his cowboy always comes out." George explains. Sapnap drags George to the stand and plays with it.

"How about you, Dream?" a6d asks. Dream thinks about it and sees a pop a balloon on stand.

"Going to play that. So you guys want to join me?" Dream responds.

"I will. You two can play together." Finn says as he drags Dream to the stand.

"By the way, try the roller coaster. It's fun." Dream says to them as they disappear.

a6d and Bad both look at each other and heard someone screaming. They look who's screaming and the person turns out screams from the roller coaster.

"Umm... You sure about this?" Bad asks in fear.

"Don't worry. You'll be fine." a6d says to make Bad feels okay with it. a6d and Bad walk over to the rollercoaster and they wait in line. a6d notices that Bad is looking a bit nervous. His eyes would often look the other way at the exit. a6d takes a hold of his hand and squeezed it slightly. Bad looks at him.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine," a6d smiles.
Bad grins back and nods in appreciation. He loves a6d and he always loved when he would comfort him, even for the littlest of mistakes.

The rollercoaster drops off the next wave of excited families. a6d and Bad get on the rollercoaster and fasten their seatbelts. The ride jerks and starts to slowly go up a big ramp with a thrilling, huge drop at the end. Bad inhales and exhales, his breaths shaky in anxiety. a6d squeezes his hand, signaling he will be okay. Bad squeezes back. In the next second, they were sent down the huge drop and were both shrieking in excitement. Bad and a6d smiled throughout the whole thrilling experience.

The ride ends in just under a minute and everyone on the ride loves it, even Bad who was nervous at the start. They get out of the rollercoaster and begin to walk to where Sapnap is.

"Did you enjoy it?" a6d grins.

"To be honest... I was nervous at first, but I found the whole thing so fun! I don't regret going on the rollercoaster!" Bad says gleefully.

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