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Prompt: Bad pressing their forehead against a6d's forehead to check if they have a fever

A/N: I felt too powerful with prompt generator :]

No one's POV

Bad woke up to an alarm clock beside him. He hit the alarm clock and stretched out from the bed. He looked beside him and saw a6d sleeping peacefully. They're not dating, just two homies sleeping together.

Bad gently pressed his forehead against a6d's forehead. Bad smiled as he was relieved that a6d's forehead wasn't on hot temperature. Bad got out of bed and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for both of them. He prepared himself some coffee and cooked some pancakes.

a6d's POV

Hot... Hot... So freaking hot

I quickly pulled off the covers from myself. I was panting and it was hot. God why is it so hot in the morning? I put my hand of my neck and forehead. Oh God my body felt like burning. My head felt dizzy and I decided to lay down on bed. Is Bad downstair as always? I really need his help.

I carefully got up from bed and the pain in my head appeared. Oh man, this is going to be the worst day of my life. I tried walking but my body felt so weak. I opened the door and went downstair and of course I saw Bad cooking in the kitchen. I smelled the food but I don't have any hunger.

"Good morning.." I said weakly. Can he hear me? Bad turned around and smiled at me. Yup, he can hear me.

"Good morning a6d! How was your sleep?"

I nodded as the words seemed to be stuck in my throat. I walked towards the table and sat down. The next thing I do was banging my head to the table. Bad turned around and worried.

No one's POV

"Dear muffin a6d, are you okay?" Bad asked. a6d's face was pale and his face was burning. Bad gently pressed his forehead against his best friend's and noticed how hot it was.

"My goodness, you have a fever. Alright come here"

Bad lifted a6d up like a baby and a6d squirmed around.

"Baddddddd I can walkkkkkkk" a6d whined. Bad hold him close and went to the bedroom.

"You staying here while I get the medicine" Bad said. He walked out to the bathroom and grabbed some medicine and a spoon. He went back to see a6d tried to find a comfortable position.

Bad put down the medicine by the nightstand and grabbed a water bottle they stored in their room. a6d saw the medicine and his under the blanket.

"a6d, come out please, I want you to be healthy. Don't you want that?"

a6d shivered under the blanket and slowly came out. Bad poured some medicine into the spoon and gently held it to a6d's mouth.

"Just two spoons and it's done." Bad said. a6d hesitated and he drank the medicine. It didn't taste nice but he needed it. Bad poured one more spoon and a6d drank it. a6d coughed and Bad gave him the water bottle. a6d drank it and panted. Bad hugged him gently and pet his head.

"There there... You did great. You did a good job. I'm so proud of you." Bad comforted him while a6d was crying from the medicine.

"I'm going to do the morning chores so if you need something, just tell me okay?" Bad smiled as he moved some hairs to a6d's ears. a6d nodded and Bad gently gave one small platonic kiss on his forehead and one on his nose. He walked out of the bedroom and closed the door gently, praying his best friend to be free from fever.

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