Part 17

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Virgil sighed, laying on the floor with his wings laid out flat and fully stretched. Despite what he showed, he actually didn't mind Logan all that much, Roman however, was a bit too loud, and plus his power... He quickly shook his head, sighing and closing his eyes.

A knock sounded at the door, and Virgil raised his head. "Who is it?" Virgil mumbled, flopping back on the floor. The door opened, showing Logan.

"I may have a new technique for you to learn to read" Virgil groaned, flipping over onto his stomach.

"No" he huffed. Logan shook his head with a tiny smile.

"It should be much easier" Logan explained. Virgil groaned, nodding reluctantly.

"Fine! Fine..." Virgil sighed, tucking his wings in and sitting up. "What is it?" Virgil said with a frown. Logan held up his phone, and Virgil stared at it in confusion

"I believe Olden French is pretty much the same as current French, and therefore, we can play some music and you can try and read the lyrics until you understand it." Logan explained, his eyes bright with hope. Virgil sighed.

"Fine... how's that little... thing... going to even play music, we'd have to go somewhere" Logan rolled his eyes, sitting down on the floor and tapping into a random slow song in French. Virgil's eyes widened as the music played the opening. "How.. That's so cool!" He said with a grin, moving to sit right next to Logan. "How are you doing that? It's amazing" Logan laughed.

"It's a phone, it can do lots of things, I'll explain it later, just listen and read the words" Virgil nodded, looking at the screen.

"This... This is still really hard" Virgil muttered, staring at the screen as he tried to read it. "I'm so confused" Virgil whined. Logan nodded.

"It's normal to be confused, not only is current French slightly different to olden, your also not used to this" Logan said lightly, watching as the video ended. He turned off the phone, watching as Virgil flopped backwards.

"Isn't there anything else to do?" Virgil groaned, closing his eyes.

"I could ask Roman to go shopping with you and Janus, but I would rather go do some experiments" Virgil huffed.

"Both sound boring" Logan laughed.

"You could take a walk around the yard if you wanted." Virgil shrugged.

"Sure..." he got up, stretching his wings before going outside to the yard, laying in the grass to watch the clouds pass.

He ended up falling asleep.

And didn't even notice when the soft grass turned to cold tile.

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