The Blood of Royalty

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"Let the boys sort this out on their own, there's no need to interfere in such matters." The mysterious figure was Vegeta, he smirked as he was explaining his thoughts on the battle between Trunks and the wounded Goten. " I for one think that Goten should try to fight my boy, if he really believes he can end the blood of royalty all by himself I think he should go ahead and try. If however Goten fails to kill my son I shall allow Trunks to kill him. I mean 'how many Kakarots do we need in this universe? Also, who cares about the people in the stadi-" Vegeta was interrupted by the mad Gohan. " Do you think this is a joke? Blood of Royalty? These are two little kids that got upset for no reason and YOU try get them to fight each other to the death? HAVE YOU GONE MAD VEGETA!!! I WONT ALLOW THIS!!" Gohan turned to Goten with a serious look and just as he was about grab Goten and take him home, out of nowhere a ki blast hit Gohan on his back. Causing him to fall hundreds of from the sky to the ground. "HMPH... still weak as ever I see, after the battle with cell you failed to keep up with your training. At this rate my son Trunks will end up killing both of you before he becomes an honorary prince." The smirk on Vegeta's face seemed permanent. Goten tried to go help his brother that was lying on the stadium ground in pain. The crowd of people evacuated in fear. Goten was flying at full speed to Gohan however he was stopped by Trunks in the process. "Where you goin' Goten? Jeez Gohan looks hurt, that just goes to show how powerful my dad has become, heh." Trunks kneed Goten in his stomach and then punched him across the stadium. Goten transformed and quickly tried to fight back however Trunks countered and shot a ki blast at his face. Trunks went off to finish the job, Vegeta was watching with an evil glare on his face. " Let's finish this Goten," Suddenly the wounded Goten got up and quickly punched Trunks across the field and quickly fired a Kamehame ha. The tables had turned, for a second, the mad Goten had a new aura surrounding him, an aura full of electricity. It was hard to tell if he was in pain or he was raging. "Yea, Trunks let's finish this, KAMEH---" Goten was blasted away by a ball of light, it was Vegeta's Big Bang attack . "Stubborn child, you were close to killing him. However, I'm not good with negotiations. I'm going to kill you and then your brother. I Vegeta am the King of all saiyans and I won't allow my heir to die... Say hello to Kakarot for me on the other side." Vegeta was ready to attack when he was furiously punched by Gohan. " You won't lay a finger on anyone, not as long as I'm alive." Gohan told Vegeta in a pissed tone. The super Saiyan 2 Gohan was smacking Vegeta around as if he was a teddy bear in the hands of a 7 year old. Vegeta tried to fight back, but every time he got up he was blasted away. "Don't you dare mock me, not in front of my son, Galik G-" Gohan instantly appeared right in front of Vegeta and grabbed his armed, he held it so tight that Vegeta was weakened to his knees. "Ironic, the King of all saiyans is bowing right before a low class warrior , in front of his son too, Vegeta you've gone too far. If you try anything , I swear on king Kai I'll blow you off this DAMN PLANET!!!" Gohan yelled at Vegeta's face as if he was a child that required discipline. Vegeta was unconscious, his pride had been shattered again by Gohan, this time his son was a witness. Goten faced Gohan, with a dull look. "Hey Gohan, what happened? I couldn't tell, not after Vegeta's attack." Trunks sneaked up behind Gohan , "TAKE THIS YOU LOWSY MORAN!!! FINISH BUSTER!!!" Trunks hurled it towards Gohan with all his might. After the blast made contact and the smoke cleared, Gohan was standing unaffected. "Haha, you missed." The tired Trunks smiled and said " I wasn't aiming at you, you moron. Hehe." He fell to ground already knocked out. Gohan turned around and was paralyzed at the scene. There in front of him lied the lifeless body of Goten. Gohan fell on his knees and weeped at the scene, the body had a hole right where the heart should've been. Gohan realization of the event made him understand the responsibility he carried but he could not fulfill it sadly. "I failed... I failed you father, I couldn't even protect my own brother. How am I supposed to protect everyone else. It's over..., I give up, I'm... Im sorry." Gohan faints due to the shock with his last words being, " Forgive me."

A few hours later, the 3 z fighters woke up at capsule corp under the care of Bulma and Chi-Chi. "Mom, what happend?" Trunks asked. Quickly Bulma smacked Trunks with rage. "You killed him, you... You're a monster, just like your father." Bulma weeped. "Wait, what? How do you know what happened mom?" Trunks said with a single tear. "The murder took place at the tournament arena, obviously there were cameras. I can't even look at you."
The room remained silent. Trunks noticed Gohan and Chi Chi sitting on the couch, staring at a picture of Goten. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!! Please forgive me! Please!!! We can get the dragon balls and fix this, please." Trunks weeped and pleaded. The silence was not disturbed between the son and mother. Vegeta walks in with broken arm. " Don't you dare plead. You did what any warrior would do!You redeemed your father's honor!" Vegeta scolded Trunks. "Hmph... so Kakarot's boy when is the funeral?" Vegeta asked. "How can there be a proper burial without a body?" Chi chi struggled to answer. Gohan's and Trunks's eyes opened wide and their shocked expression left everyone curious. "That's impossible! I saw his body, right before I fell and was out. I blasted a hole through him, I didn't send him to ashes or anything, I swear." Trunks replied. "Mom, I saw his body too, are you sure there wasn't a body?" Gohan asked. "When we got their, there was nothing... all that was left were some ripped fabrics." Bulma answered for Chi chi. " Is the boy still alive?!?" Vegeta said in a shocked tone. "We gotta ask Shenron!" Trunks yelled. "Where's... my baby boy!?" Chi chi cried out.

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