Goten's Revenge and Oath

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"Sorry Goten for beating you, but hey you cheated first didn't you?" said Trunks. "That's no fair you said you wouldn't use one of your arms!" Goten replied. "sorry... You can have one of my toys, and I'll even let you choose this one!"said Trunks. "No way Trunks! You broke 2 promises and always get away with it! I'm not taking this anymore! Ka-me-ha-me----" "Goten stop your gonna blow this place up!" Replied Trunks. "HAAAAA!!!!" Trunks quickly transforms and knocks the blast out of the way and into the sky. He then quickly grabs Goten's hair and drags his head on the floor and then smashes it on the wall surrounding the field. Trunks then uses his fire Kamehame ha on Goten, "Your worthless to me and I don't care whether you die or not!" Trunks screamed. "Haaaa!!!" The blast was about to hit Goten who was barely conscious at the time when suddenly a figure appears and deflects the blast. "I don't know what gives you the right to attack and kill a 7 year old Trunks." It was Gohan who had appeared."Go-Gohan stay out of this big bro, this is between me and Trunks!" Goten struggled to say. "Sorry bro but if you died I wouldn't know what to say to mom. She'd probably start thinking that anyone who looks like dad ends up dying pretty fast, heh heh. Anyway wha-"

"I'm serous! Stop joking around! I'm gonna beat Trunks once and for all!" Goten interrupts. Goten manages to get back on his feet and walk to Gohan in a limping manner. "Goten you will not fight Trunks, and that's final, now let's go home so mom can patch you up plus we're ruining the match the people came to see." "You won't understand! You never do! Get out of my way or else I'll attack you too!" Goten raged in anger and transformed into a super saiyan. Charging right at Gohan and Trunks. Trunks quickly aims his fire Kamehame ha again, this time stronger than ever, Gohan then transforms to a super saiyan 2 and stops the both of them. "You two are immature, careless and selfish! What if everyone in the crowd dies!" Gohan grabs Trunks and hurls him at the sky. The he grabs Goten by collar and continues to hold on, when suddenly a mysterious man arrives.

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