The Other World

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The room was filled with silence and there was a lack of emotion. "We gotta ask Shenron about Goten!" Trunks yelled. "You don't have the right to even say his name..." Bulma uttered. "I'll go find the dragon balls, Bulma can you give me the dragon radar?" Gohan said. "Yeah sure, that's the least I could do for my sons actions, I just wi---" Bulma got cut off by a new voice. " Hello?!? Anyone? Can you hear me?" The mysterious voice said. "What the? Wait is that... is that you King Kai?!!" Gohan said in a puzzling manner. "Hello Gohan, I'm telepathically talking to you all so I can inquire about Goten."
"So you know ... well I guess you of all people would know." Gohan said. " Is his body missing? Or did did Yema mess up again?" Kai said. "What do you mean!?! How'd you know the body was gone? " Gohan asked. " I'm the one that summoned him to this world. When he had died I requested that he get his body. You see I have a plan." Kai explained. "What do you want with my son! He's only 7!" Chi chi screamed.

"You see Chi Chi, I plan on making Goten a true warrior... I would like to train your son Goten for the next 8 years in this world." Kai left the entire room in shock. Vegeta leaves with a stunned look. "No! No! No! I won't, I won't my baby boy back!. He's my son, my responsibility." Chi chi raged. Gohan remained neutral and was analyzing the situation. "I am sorry for the loss but this isn't the last time your going to see your son, I guarantee he won't die here." Kai joked. "Are you serious?!?! You think this is a joke! King Kai I don't think you care about this at all! You just want to train Goten!! Who knows if he even wants this?" Chi screamed out loud. " I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you... All I want is--" Kai was cut off by a young voice. " Hello mom? Brother? It's me Goten, I want you guys to know that I'm not coming back to earth... at least not yet." The room was filled with sadness, Chi Chi was speechless. "Mom? I know what your thinking. The fact that I won't see you in 8 years bothers me, but guess what... I'll be with dad! King Kai said he'll be training with me so please, I beg you let me go and don't worry about me!!!" Goten screamed. " 7 years, it's been 7 years I last saw your dad. Looking at you everyday helped me remember him. If he's going to be with you then so be it." The room fills with tension. " You can stay there and train... But don't expect me to talk to you until the 7 years are up. Your going to face the same treatment as you father." Chi Chi storms out emotionless. "Mom...I'm so sorry, hey Gohan please take care of mom, I'll see you again. Gotta go." "Wait! You never--" Goten's presence was gone and Gohan stood alone thinking to himself. "You never told me why! Why do you want to do this so bad." Gohan left the room unsatisfied.

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