Chapter 12

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Sheriff Stillinski could tell that Newt was important to Stiles, so he let Newt stay with them instead of at the hotel with the other gladers. Newt was grateful, he had some hard days trying to find the gladers after Teresa got him out. It was important to him to find his family, and make sure Tommy wasn't killing himself with guilt. The first night Stiles offered to sleep on the floor and let Newt have the bed, "Nonsense! That's nonsense. Your bed is big enough for the both of us, and it ain't like we haven't slept right next to eachother before."
"I guess that's true. Also my real name is Stiles, WICKED gave me a false memory of my name, so it's stiles."
"How am I supposed to call you Tommy then? Because Stiley don't roll off the tongue the same way."
"I mean you can continue to call me Tommy. After all that's just a nickname. I have a question."
"Get on with asking then?"
"Teresa, do you think she suffered in her last minutes."
"Honestly, no. Hanson shot her in the head the first time so she was gone instantly. I'd imagine it was like falling asleep. And now I bet you she's in a way better place than she was before."
"Thank you."
"No thanks necessary."
"It is. Newt I shot you in the head. You could've died, you did die. I know you said you gave me no choice, but I could've done anything else but shoot you in the head. I could've just knocked you out and brought you with me, and then you could've gotten better, like now but with us by your side. And now that you are back I'm still a mess and you're right here still getting me through it."
"Tommy you've been a mess since that first day in the Maze. You almost got yourself killed, multiple times might I add, but you still gave me and every glader hope that we would get out of that hell. You were a newbie and managed to gain all the trust of the gladers and you led us all here, to a new home, a better home, so seriously do not thank me. And about the killing me thing, I was attacking you, and begging you to kill me, so please don't for one second you could've done anything different. On the bright side I was able to give Teresa redemption when she save me, so please stop blaming yourself. Now it's getting late, let's get to bed."

The next morning Stiles and Newt woke up with there faces one inch away from each other. They stared into each others eyes for a second before both hopping up and going down to eat the lovely breakfast the sheriff had prepared for them.

A/N: there you have it a chapter of reunion and healing! Very sorry for the long update my Wattpad app had been glitching soooo bad and I haven't been able to update anything!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2021 ⏰

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