Chapter 3

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Stiles was going to school for the first time since he's been back. He's a junior this year. He's been back for a week now. Nothing eventful has happened, other than the nightmares that wake him up nightly. He walks through the doors of the school building, and all eyes look at him. Most of them shocked to see him, the others were looking at him with sympathy.
  He was required to go to the school counselor, and talk before doing anything. He made his way towards the guidance office, and waited. The counselor came out a minute later, and called him to her office. "Stiles my name is Dr.Rose. Now, I want you to talk about anything, you want to talk about."
"And what if I don't want to talk about anything."
"Then we can just stare at each other for the ninety minutes I have you. Which I'm pretty sure you don't want."
"Okay, I'll talk."
"Now can you tell me how you're feeling?"
"I'm feeling peachy. How do you think I feel? I feel lost. I've been missing for 2 years apparently, and I don't have all my memories. I also feel at a loss. I've lost a bunch of friends, and it's all my fault."
"How's it your fault?"
"I came into the maze, and then Ben, Zart, and Alby got killed by grievers. Then I get everyone out of the maze, and Chuck get killed. And then Newt, he got the flare, and begged me to shoot him before he lost control. Did you hear me? I shot my best friend. I'm a monster."
"You said he begged you to, so it was his choice not yours. You said that Ben, Zart, and Alby got killed by grievers. Stiles your blaming yourself for things that ain't your fault. It's called a hero complex. It's when you put the world on your shoulders, and make everything your responsibility."
"But I could have saved them, I should have tried."
"There's nothing you could have done. I'm afraid our time is up, but I want to see you again in a couple of weeks." Stiles got up, and left. He had economics with Coach.
When he got to economics, he made his way to his desk. He started thinking about Chuck and Newt and everything. He just wishes that he could remember everything.
"STILLINSKI!" Coach screamed, "are you still with us?"
"Yeah Coach, just thinking."
"Can you tell me what the word, Forbearance means?"
"It means, a delay in enforcing rights or claims or privileges or refraining from acting. Synonyms include: longanimity and patience." Stiles said. Being held by WICKED had its advantage, like all the information they put in his head.
"Wow! You've gotten smarter. I expect to see you at lacrosse tryouts this afternoon!"
"Now class. I need a volunteer. Not you Greenberg! Why are you even still in this class? I've requested you be moved into another class  about ten times now." The bell rang, and everyone left the classroom.

That afternoon, Stiles went to the tryouts for the lacrosse team. "Ok, Stillinski I want you on offense. McCall and Miller you guys are on defense. And Liam you are goalie." Coach said. They got in their positions, and Coach blew the whistle. Stiles got the ball, and ran across the field, very fast. He dodged Miller's hit, and rammed him over. Then Scott ran to go knock him over, and Stiles ducked and threw the ball into the goal. Everyone stood shocked. It was a goal, but it wasn't just any goal. Not only was Liam, their BEST goalie, guarding it, but he made it from 15 feet away. No ones ever shot and made it from that far away before. "Stillinski, you're captain this year. McCall, you're now co-captain!" Coach said.

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