Chapter 10

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Stiles went to the hotel that Minho, Brenda, Aris, Frypan, and Gally were staying at. The sheriff's department was still working on finding them a permanent home to live in. They spent the first couple months seeing if they could find their families. According to the WICKED files, they were all from Beacon Hills, but no one in this town is claiming them as theirs. They now have a fund going to try and raise money so they can buy them all a big house, but for the time being the Hotel is letting them stay there in all separate rooms for free. They all enjoy the hotel. The rooms are super nice. There's free breakfasting the morning, and Sheriff Stillinski, Chris Argent, Melissa McCall, Natalie Martin, and a few other parents are pitching in to provide lunch and dinner for them nightly. Their hotel also has an arcade and a pool so they're not bored in their rooms all day. They all enjoyed being able to relax a bit. They still get a bit tense on some occasions but for the most part they're finally at peace with theirs lives. And as for school tomorrow is their first day. They had to do all these IQ test and stuff, to see what grade level they could go to. Stiles helped them study for these IQ test everyday for 2 months prior to them. They are all officially Juniors just like Stiles. (A/N: so I realized I haven't really wrote about any of these characters in all my other chapters, so this is what they've been up to!)
Stiles knew they haven't been anywhere outside of this Hotel so he wanted to have the "talk" with them. He hoped they could believe the supernatural after seeing all those grievers and cranks. He had them all take a seat. "Before WICKED took me, about three or four years before Scott got bitten. He got bitten by a werewolf. Since that night we had discovered a bunch of supernatural creatures. Kistunes, werecyotes, banshees, dread doctors, a lot of things. So things are about to get a lot weirder for y'all. Y'all might even face heartbreak. The supernatural it takes a lot out of you. You become exhausted after so long of fighting it. Now me before I was taken, I had lost friends, faced a lot of nightmares both while and not sleeping, faced a lot of dark and traumatic things, and I'd faced a lot of guilt. I was once possessed by this thing called the nogistune. It took control of me completely, and hurt the people I loved most. Now I tell you all this because if you don't want to have to face this stuff, you don't have to. I'm facing this stuff because I did before and I can't just let it go. Y'all are different, you guys can go have a sense of a normal life."
"Thom.... sorry Stiles, we know this talk is to try and talk us out of fighting the supernatural with you, but we all definitely want to." Brenda said.
"Are you sure."
"Listen here Shank, we've been through a lot of klunk, but we went through it and faced it together. Therefore if you're facing this supernatural stuff, then we're gonna face it with ya." Minho chimed in.
"Good That." Gally said and the others nodded in agreement.
"Well then, I guess it's time for you guys to meet the pack."

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