Chapter 5

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Stiles was in Coach's class when he noticed a picture on his desk. It had a young boy in it. Stiles knew that face. He could never forget that face. Stiles stayed after everyone left and asked coach about it.
"It's my nephew, Brady. He went missing a few years ago."
"Coach I know him. He was in the glade with me. He went by Chuck."
"Really? But didn't you say that Chick died?" Coach asked holding back tears. Stiles couldn't say anything, he just nodded his head. The coach sat down in shock.
"He died saving my life. He was one of the bravest people I've ever met. I am so sorry."
"Just leave."
Stiles left without another word. He walked into the nearest bathroom, and started crying.
Scott had heard everything that Stiles had said to Coach, and followed him into the bathroom. "Stiles? Are you okay?"
"I got his nephew killed. Scott, I tried so hard to keep him alive. I did everything I could to keep him safe, and it didn't work. He still got killed saving me."
"How did he die?"
"Gally was throwing a knife at me, and he jumped in front of me. He died in my arms." Stiles said more tears coming out of his eyes. Scott didn't know what to say. This was beyond him. Stiles was broken beyond repair.
"Come on. I'm taking you home." Scott finally said after a minute of silence. He put his arm around Stiles, and led him to the office to call Stiles' father to let him know he was coming home.
Stiles' father came home 30 minutes after he did. Scott was with him. Stiles hadn't said anything since they've been here. Scott pulled Noah aside, and told him what happened. Noah closed his eyes, and breathed in, breathing out a shaky breath. "I'll talk to him" Noah said walking over to Stiles, while Scott left so they could have some space. "Stiles, son, I know what happened today was hard, and I know there's nothing I can say to make you feel better. I just want to say that I don't want anything hidden between us. I know some things that happened to you might be hard to talk about, but I'm here for you."
"I want to tell you everything, but I can't. I feel like if I told you, you'd see me differently. I don't want that. I want you to see me as you've always seen me."
"Son, there is nothing you can tell me that will ever, ever make me see you differently. You're my son, and you always will be. I just don't want what happened to you take over your life, and kill you inside. I've seen a lot of young man get consumed by guilt and heartbreak, and I don't want to see it happen to you."
"What if I told you I killed people?"
"I wouldn't see you differently at all. There's no telling what you had to do to survive. What's important now is you helped Minho and Brenda, and from what y'all told us, you got a lot of people out of that maze." Noah said proud of his son. Stiles heard the pride when his dad said that as if his dad was saying 'That's my boy.' For the next couple of hours, Stiles told his dad everything. Although, he paused a lot of times scared to tell his dad the next part. The hardest was telling his dad about Newt, and how he had so much more blood on his hands than he should.

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