Chapter 9

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Stiles heard his dad head out this morning for work. He was called in early, there was something about 3 boys showing up at the boarder of Beacon Hills. The sheriff department said they looked lost, were all dirty, all had clothed torn, and were scared half to death. They kept trying to fight the cops so they had to handcuff them. Stiles really didn't think much about it, he just figured it was something to deal with werewolf's or something. Then he got a call. His dad sent one of his men to bring him to the station. Stiles was all ready to help his dad in any way. He just didn't o ow why his dad needed it.
When he got to the station and saw the three boys, he knew exactly why Stiles was brought here. The boys standing in front of him were Gally, Aris, and Frypan. "Thomas?!" The boys all shouted in sync. 
"Oh my god! Is this real? Are y'all really here? I can't believe this. Guys I thought y'all were dead." Stiles was baffled, but was so joyful seeing friends he thought were gone.
"We thought we were too after the explosion. But after we were able to recollect ourselves we searched for months to find out where y'all went." Frypan said. Stiles just smiled and ran up to give them all a hug, tears of joy falling from his eyes.
"I'm sorry, I know that we're meant to be tougher than this, but I just missed y'all."
"We missed you too greenie." Gally said playfully with a smile on his face.
"Y'all have to tell me exactly what happened after the explosion." Stiles said.
6 months earlier...
After the explosion at WICKED's facility there was nothing, but darkness. They couldn't see, and they couldn't hear. It took them all a good minute to recollect themselves. When they finally regained their sight and hearing, Aris, Frypan, and Gally all sat there on top of all the ruins that was WICKED. The sight of WICKED finally destroyed to nothing filled them with such relief and glee. Theses were the people who had tortured them for most their lives, and justified it by trying to find a cure for a fake virus. They all stood up and spat at the destruction of WICKED. They finally walked About 5 miles away, and couldn't find any sign of their friends who escaped the explosion. They sat their and formulated a plan to stone them. They had to go the direction with the tire marks taking off. Every other day they'd find a abandoned place to sleep, and then continue on. They didn't have any money, so they scavenged what they could, and Frypan made something semi decent with it. Their only water source was any body of water they came across, and when it rained the rain water became a good way to store water in bottles and bowls they found on the road. When they'd get exhausted they'd just fall down and crawl til they found a place to sleep. Sometimes when they'd think they were closer to their friends they run until they'd tumble and roll down whatever road they were on. They never gave up hope though. They knew their friends were out there somewhere, and they had nothing better to do than to find them. They wouldn't have a home til they found their friends.
6 months of running and crawling and tumbling and walking down the road, they'd still had their hopes high. They were exhausted and beaten but they knew that their friends were close. They reached a town boarder. They had reached a city called Beacon Hills. That's when they were discovered by the sheriff's men.
"Oh my god. I'm so sorry guys. If I had know you weren't dead, we would've waited for y'all. I'm so sorry y'all spent months like that."
"It's cool Thomas. It's nothing compared to the scorch." Frypan said, and they all shuddered at the name. The sheriff noticed this and realized all these kids had shared this trauma, and there was no way anyone else could understand.
"I'm so glad y'all are here, y'all can stay with me until we can find another place for y'all. Oh and y'all should start calling me by my actual name, Stiles."

See I told you they'd be back! Sorry for the long wait, but I really needed this one to be special for you guys! Anywho, time to celebrate the return of everyone's favorites!!

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