Chapter 7

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The next day Stiles went to school early, and went straight to Coach's office. He knocked on the door frame as he came in. "Coach?"
"What Stillinski?" Coach said in a unusually quiet voice.
"I wanted to give you this." Stiles said as he held up the little figure that Chuck had given him. "It was Chucks, or Brady's, I guess. He gave it to me in hopes that I could give it to his parents, but I think that he'd want you to have it. From what I see you cared for him."
"I did. You said that no one remembered anything?"
"Yeah. Why?"
"That might of been better for him. His parents hated him. They always blamed him for his twin's death. His name was Steve, and he died when they were 4. They were at the playground, and climbed a tree. Steve fell, and hit the concrete. He died instantly. Anyway, my brother and his wife blamed him for it. They neglected him, and would abuse him. I was about to take him in, although I basically already had. I fed that boy until he was full, and I took him shopping for new clothes and new shoes. I never could because he went missing. I always thought he'd ran away, but that never stopped me from searching everywhere for him. I called hospitals, and child services daily hoping that he'd be found. I just can't believe that those monsters took him." Coach said on the verge of tears. Stiles felt a newfound hatred for the boy's parents.
"Then you deserve this. From what it sounds like you were his parent, and I know that he'd want you to have it." Stiles said handing Coach the figure.
"Thanks Stillinski." Coach said, and unexpectedly got up, and hugged Stiles tight. Coach let go after a minute. "How close were you with him?"
"I had only known him a couple days, but he was like a little brother to me. He was full of energy, and he brought a light into the maze. He was an amazing kid. He handled everything better than I did. He was brave. When that knife was heading for me, he didn't hesitate to jump in front of it. It should've been me." Stiles said letting himself cry.
"Stillinski you cant blame yourself. It was his decision. If I know one thing, it seemed like he knew you were worth saving. You were the one who got everyone to safety, so his death wasn't for nothing. You hear me?" Coach said putting his hands on Stiles' shoulders. Stiles wiped his tears.
"Yes." The bell rang, and the two went their separate ways to their classes.

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