Chapter 2

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"I promised him! I promised I'd save him, take him home! I promised him!" He said holding Chuck's lifeless body in his arms. Screaming and crying. Trying hard not to kill the person who killed his friend, no his brother.
"Please Tommy Please." His friend begged him to pull the trigger. Then his eyes closed, and he heard the gunshot as he pulled the trigger.
  "Ahhhhhh!!!" Stiles forced himself to wake up, screaming. His dad came running in the room. Holding him, telling him everything was okay. Stiles' screams had turned into sobs now. His dad held him tight, comforting him.
"It's okay son, it's okay." His dad said. Stiles wiped away all his tears off his face and out of his eyes. His breathing was slowly steadying.
An hour later, he was getting ready to go to court. He'd been back for two days, and now he had to go to court along with Minho and Brenda to give a testament to the judge. The pack met Brenda and Minho yesterday. Two years ago when he went missing, they presumed he died and buried an empty coffin. The judge had to sign a sort of resurrection paper, saying that Stiles is alive. Stiles was getting nervous having to make what happened to him public. He also knew he had to make all of the deaths public. He's afraid the minute he tells everyone about all the people he's lost, they'll treat him differently.
"Stiles, son, it's time to go." His dad tells him. They get in the sheriff's car, and drive to the courthouse. When they get there, Minho, Brenda, and the pack is already there.

"What happened to the other kids that WICKED took?" The lawyer asked Stiles.
"They... ummm... they died." Stiles said his heart shattering as he had just admitted it for the first time. Tears threatening to leave his eyes, Stiles let out a breath he hadn't know he was holding in.
"And what were their names."
"Ben, Aris, Rachel, Gally, Zart, George, Frypan, Teresa, Chuck, Alby, and Newt." He was sweating trying hard to hold in his tears.
"That's all the questions I have." The lawyer said sitting back down. The judge dismissed the court session. Everyone went to the Stillinski house to eat lunch. They all sat around the table. Thomas picked at his food, not hungry. Everyone else ate at their own pace. Brenda and Minho had left, and went to their hotel room, where they were staying until they found a place to live. Thomas excused himself, and went up to his room.
"I had no idea he lost all those people." Scott said.
"How were you suppose to know? He didn't tell anyone." Noah, Stiles' father, said.
"Not to mention, when I checked him, he had scars, cuts, and bruises all over his body, and there was traces of electrocution and a gunshot wound." Melissa added.
"Guys, I hate to break it to you, but the Stiles that went missing might not be the one who came back." Derek said with no emotion on his face. They all sat in silence waiting for someone to say anything.

Stiles sat on his bed thinking through everything that happened to him. Then a familiar sensation took over his body, and he fell to unconsciousness, falling off the bed.

Everyone heard the loud thump coming from Stiles' room. Everyone got up and ran to his room. They found him unconscious and seizing. Melissa told them to give him some space until he stops seizing.

"You killed your mother, and now your killing me!" His father said throwing a glass bottle at him. Then his father was gone, and the party was still going on. He had hallucinated all of it.
Then he was in a hotel parking lot. Scott was standing in the middle of a gasoline puddle, holding a torch with a flame at the end.
"Scott, just listen to me. You're not no one. Scott, you're my best friend. Okay, and I need you. Scott, you're my brother. Alright, so if we're going to do this, then I think you're just gonna have to take me with you then." He said stepping into the gasoline, and taking the torch. He threw the torch out of the gasoline before the wind blew it into the gasoline, them escaping before the explosion.
"Yeah I just can't seem to get warm." He said.
"Maybe you should sit down, take it easy." Scott said touching Stiles' hands, "You're in pain."
"It's not bad. It's more like a dull ache."
"Sort of everywhere."
"Dude you're freezing! Tell me the truth, how much does it really hurt?"
He woke up. Opened his eyes, the light hurting them.
"Stiles are you okay?" Scott asked.
"Yeah. I remembered something." Stiles said.
"What did you remember?" Noah asked.
"I remembered hallucinating at a party. I hallucinated that you were blaming me for my mom's death, and you said that I was killing you."
"That's what you hallucinated? You never told me." Scott said.
"Then I remembered stopping you from blowing yourself up."
"Yeah I remember that, Stiles you saved me that night." Scott said.
"And I remember being freezing and in pain. You asked me to tell you the truth about how much pain I was really in. I never told you."
"Yeah I remember. You said that it was more like a dull ache all over your body. You never told me the truth though because Kira called." Scott confirmed the memory real. Melissa and Noah just looked confused about what they were talking about.

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