Chapter 11

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    Stiles invited everyone to his house, he was a little nervous because neither the pack nor the gladers were keen on letting others in. Stiles had ordered pizza for everyone, and once they were all settled in and comfortable, Stiles begin talking, "Listen I know it's hard for all of you to trust new people so fast, believe me I've had my fair share of trust issues. Derek remember when we first met, we hated eachother, and I sure as h*ll didn't trust you. Now i would trust you with my life, I have trust you with my life. Minho, Gally, gladers you guys remember how i was when i first got to the glade. I thought you guys were holding me against my will, and i tried to run, and you, Gally, you stopped me from going out there and getting myself killed. I would trust everyone in here with my life. Well maybe not you Liam, you might fall in a whole before coming to my rescue." Liam laughed, happy that he remembered something that little from his past. "I love every single one of you guys. You guys are my family, so please take this time to overcome your trust issues for once, and get to know each other." They did exactly as he asked. They started getting to know each other, and they all hit it off pretty well. Stiles sat there smiling, happy that they could all be friends, and become a bigger pack. That's when there was a knock on the door. Stiles was baffled when he opened the door and saw who was standing in front of him. "Newt." Stiles grabbed him and held him in his arms. "Feeling sentimental Tommy?" 

 "How are you here. I shot you in the head, there was no life in your eyes." 

 "It's a long story. Just be happy I'm here. Now, what's this? You throwing a party without me?" Newt welcomed himself in, walking right past Stiles, and walking perfectly without a limp. Stiles stayed where he was, trying to figure out if he was crazy or if Newt was really here. That's when he heard a collective gasp from the gladers. Stiles slowly walked closer to the pack, and just stood there watching in shock. 

 "Newt, I know you said it was a long story, but we've got all night. What happened after, after that day?" Stiles hadn't yet told the rest of the gladers he had shot Newt in the head.

 "Well after I was shot in the head after giving you no choice but to do so Tommy, so stop feeling guilty it was my fault, you had no choice. Now that we got that dealt with, let me continue. After Tommy shot me, Teresa came and found me." 

 "Teresa's alive?" Stiles sounded almost excited.

 "She was. She came and she found me, did a surgery on me to remove the bullet, and even fixed my ankle for me. She gave me a tablet with a gps on it that led to here. When she was getting me out of WCKD, Janson shot her, not just once either he shot her like eight times. I ran away from there and hid until there was an explosion. WCKD was completely gone, I'm assuming you guys had something to do with that bit.  Anyway, I had to travel here by foot so it took me a while to get here. So what's been happening with you lot" They spent the rest of the night telling newt everything that has happened from the moment they lost him in the scorch to the moment Newt showed at Stiles' front door.

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