The Widow Knight

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Here is a fun fact for you all; when a knight dies, it is the duty of the fallen knight's wife to avenge the death of her husband.
That is right, women in the middle ages were; Avengers.
This story is about such a woman, who has donned armor, taken up a sword and mounted a steed.
The loyal wife has made her way to Tintagel in order to take revenge on the knight who killed her husband.
The doors to the throne room opened, as the Widow Knight walked towards King Culhwch.
The knight kneeled in front of the king's throne, everyone looked on, as the knight took off her helmet; revealing a face which was more fair than the moon.
" Your name? " said Merlin.
" Sir-Lady Laina Morris "
" What business do you have here in the court of King Culhwch? "
The knight paused for a moment, she then said;
" I have come seeking the death of the knight who killed my husband " said Sir-Lady Laina, calmly and with love.
" Who is the knight; who has done you this much harm? " asked the King.
Sir-Lady Laina turned towards the knight, she then said;
" Sir Swain "
All eyes turned to Sir Swain.
King Culhwch paused for a moment in order to gather his thoughts.
" Merlin, you have dealt with something similar "
" Not quite, I just helped figure out who was the real mother of a baby " said Merlin with a smile.
" I have every right to demand justice, you can not deny me my revenge "
The sound of Sir-Lady Laina pulling out her sword could now be heard.
" Pardon, lady knight, I know that by law; you have every right to demand a battle with the knight who killed your late husband, but, at the very least; let us hear Sir Swain's side of the story " said the King.
Sir-Lady Laina thought about it, as she was eyeing Sir Swain, she then said;
" Very well " as she put her sword back into its scabbard.
Sir Swain now stepped forward, he kneeled, he then said;
" I am Indeed the one who killed Sir-Lady Laina's husband... leaving her a widow- "
" And my son fatherless " said Sir-Lady Laina, as she was glaring down at Sir Swain.
Sir Swain kept his composure, he then continued;
" We fought bravely, like true knights. Both of us were unyielding and full of valor... but I came out victorious "
" What happened to the body? " said the King, curious.
" I had one of my squires bring it to the home of his family... to the home of Sir-Lady Laina "
" You could not even bring it yourself... why? " uttered Sir-Lady Laina.
Sir Swain paused for a moment, while choosing his words carefully.
" I had other matters to attend to... "
Sir-Lady Laina could now be heard letting out a laugh.
" I see " said she; " you had other duties... well, I have a duty as well "
Sir-Lady Laina now pulled out her sword once more.
" I shall ensure that the soul of my husband shall rest peacefully in Avalon  "
Sir Swain now rose, as he too pulled out his sword.
" I will not deny you your revenge, nor will I stand in the way of your duty and love, but, I will fight for my life "
Everyone looked on, as the two knights were about to come to blows.
" Wait " said the King.
" Do not get in my way, " said Sir-Lady Laina.
" I won't, but, my throne room is hardly the place for such a matter to be solved in "
" Sire, I would like this matter to be as private as possible " said Sir Swain.
" Worry not. Only I, Merlin and the rest of the knights shall all be witnesses to this fight, which will take place in the small arena... agreed? "
Sir-Lady Laina and Sir Swain were both quiet for a moment, they both then nodded.
We now find ourselves in the small arena near Tintagel.
Inside the arena stood both Sir Swain and Sir-Lady Laina, both in full armor and with their weapons in hand.
" What will happen to your son? " asked Sir Swain.
" Are you that sure of your victory? "
" I am merely making sure of his safety and future "
Sir-Lady Laina paused for a moment.
" If I were to die here; my son would then be raised by my mother... She is very wealthy, so my son will want for nothing... other than a father and a mother "
A giggle could now be heard coming from Sir-Lady Laina.
" He will most likely come seeking revenge against you, if I were to die "
A giggle could now be heard from Sir Swain.
" Yeah... "
The two knights now walked closer to one another, they raised their weapons, and the sound of their weapons clashing could now be heard.
The King, Merlin and the rest of the knights, all looked on at the magnificent battle taking place.
Each knight had something dear to fight for, something sacred to protect.
Sir-Lady Laina, fought to avenge her husband, and for the future of her son.
Sir Swain, fought for his honor and reputation.
Each blow of their weapons was filled with strength and emotions, each muscle of their bodies was powered by something holy.
A boom could be heard, as Sir Swain had brought Sir-Lady Laina to the ground.
Sir Swain was about to bring his sword down, that was till Sir-Lady Laina blinded him with some sand.
Sir Swain fell back a step, he then fell to the ground, as Sir-Lady Laina had tackled him.
Sir-Lady Laina was about to kill Sir Swain with her dagger, but she then asked;
" Do you have any children? "
" No "
" I see "
Everyone watching gasped, as Sir-Lady Laina had bought her dagger down, mere inches away from Sir Swain's face.
" Why spare me? " said Sir Swain, surprised.
" My husband " said Sir-Lady Laina with a loving smile; " was a good man, I loved him dearly... but, he would have been sad to see me become a killer "
The wind passed by the arena.
" I am sorry... sorry that your son shall grow up without the love of his father... "
Sir-Lady Laina was quiet for a moment.
" I will never forgive you... but, I have beaten you... as for my son; he shall one day become your squire " said Sir-Lady Laina with a smile.
A surprised and astonished look befell Sir Swain, he then bowed, as he then said;
" I would be honored to have him as my squire "
Sir-Lady Laina sighed with a smile.
The Widow Knight rested in Tintagel for two days, she then rode back home.
When Sir-Lady Laina reached home, she was welcomed back by the loving embrace of her son. And, true enough, her son would later become the squire of Sir Swain.

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