The Gift

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It happened one week after the wedding between Sir Servause le Breuse and Gríðr, that King Culhwch and Sir Mabon ap Modron were training outside the castle.
Sir Mabon was able to force the King back.
" Trying to wound more than my pride " said the King with a smile.
" Apologize, majesty " said the knight with a smile.
The two old friends now went at it again, they answered one another; blow for blow, smiles of joy and enjoyment could be seen on their faces.
" It has been a while since I last sweated this much... " said King Culhwch, as he cleaned his face with a cloth.
Sir Mabon now gave the King some water to drink.
" So, what is on your mind? " said the knight.
The King showed a look of confusion.
" Come on " said Sir Mabon with a smile; " I have known you long enough to know when something is bothering you "
The King smiled.
" This week... " said the King with a faint smile.
Sir Mabon now realized what the King was talking about.
" Your anniversary " said the knight with a smile; " what will you get the beloved Queen? "
The King now let himself fall onto the grass.
" That is the question; I have yet to find an answer for... "
The knight joined the King on the soft grass.
The wind now passed through.
" I have to get her something nice... " said the King; " we have been married for a long time "
" Way longer than anyone expected "
" What is that supposed to mean? "
" I mean " said the knight, as he was eyeing the King up and down; " Queen Olwen is way smarter and prettier than you. We were all sure that she would have left you after a while " said the knight with a smile.
The King tried to speak, but words failed him.
" Who are 'we'? " uttered the King at last.
" I was joking "
" I know... " said the King with a sigh; " but your words still hurt... I know that Olwen is amazing, that is why I want to give her something special "
" How about a child? "
The King stood up, as he was giving the knight a strange look.
" Don't give me that look " said Sir Mabon with a smile; " neither of you is getting any younger, and the kingdom needs an heir, and a spare "
The King tried to speak, but words failed him once more.
The King now landed back onto the grass.
" Will I be a good father? " the King asked.
" Honestly; no "
King Culhwch now gave Sir Mabon a friendly push.
" That is why we are here; your knights, and Merlin, to help you through it, if you need it "
The wind now passed through the grass and the two men.
" A child...? " said the King to himself.
" It is high time "
Things were quiet for a moment.
The King now stood up, he walked towards his palace, when night came; love was made, in doing so; Tintagel was sure of an heir.

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