The Wight Warrior

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What is more awesome than a knight? A death knight; of course!
But... I don't think that the person who is a death knight; thinks that it is awesome... or maybe they do...?
Sir Bors was standing over the grave of the poor man who had become a wight.
Sir Bors made the sign of the cross, and he now set out to grant the man his peace; once more.
Sir Bors was following the footsteps of the man who was brought back.
The knight now noticed a deer looking at him.
The deer was just looking, as Sir Bors was smiling back at it. The knight's face now grew pale, as the deer's head flew off its body... oh dear...
Sir Bors would never forget the sound which the head made as it landed on the ground.
From behind a tree, the wight walked out.
Sir Bors felt no anger, he merely felt compassion towards the poor soul; who had been disturbed from his sleep.
Sir Bors blocked the wight's charging attack.
The sound of their swords clashing could be heard, as they were walking out from the forest and into the graveyard where all this began.
Sir Bors blocked blow after blow, his arms tiring with each swing. That was when Sir Bors asked God for strength, and God delivered.
With one blow, Sir Bors was able to push the wight back.
The wight fell towards its grave.
Sir Bors just looked on, as the poor creature was looking at its tombstone, not moving a muscle.
The wight's whole body now fired up, figuratively.
The death knight charged with nothing more than its bony hands.
Sir Bors uttered a silent prayer, he then granted the wight the peace it so desperately wanted.
Afterwards, the knight walked to church, where he said a prayer for the released soul.

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