Old Nick

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The good knight; Sir Hector de Maris, has been sent on a knight's errand.
There have been reports about a fearsome beast terrorizing a local village, so; Sir Hector has rode out in the hopes of helping in any way he can.
Sir Hector arrived at the village, and what a sight it was.
Many of the houses were ash, and many more were broken. The people were either wounded or dead.
" Greetings, sir knight " said a wounded boy.
Sir Hector dismounted his horse, and kneeled before the poor boy.
" Greetings lad, could you tell me; how all this happened? "
But before the boy spoke, Sir Hector gave him some water.
" It happened last night sir, the dragon came out from nowhere "
" A dragon? "
" Aye sir, I saw it myself. It was larger than any of our houses, and its flames... well, you can see that for yourself "
Sir Hector gave the boy a faint smile.
The knight patted the boy on the head, as he then said;
" Good lad, go to your family and help them in any way you can "
" What about you, sir knight? "
" I will help by vanquishing this foul beast " said Sir Hector, as he mounted his steed.
As the knight was riding through the forest, one of Merlin's demons met up with him.
" Greetings Sir Hector, I bear a message from Merlin '' said the demon.
" Yes? "
" Merlin has deduced the beast to be a Knucker-Dragon "
Sir Hector smiled.
" I see. Did Merlin also say where I could find this beast? "
" He did. My master has ordered me to assist you in your battle "
" I hardly need help to slay a mere dragon, " said the knight with a knightly smile.
The demon smiled.
" I have not been sent to help you kill the beast, I have been sent to help you capture the dragon "
" Capture? " said Sir Hector, surprised; " after what it did to the local village, I think not "
" Please sir knight, calm yourself. My master merely thinks that it would be a waste to kill such a powerful creature. The dragon could be quite useful, even in rebuilding the village "
Sir Hector thought about it for a moment, he then said;
" Very well "
The demon now led the knight to a massive lake.
Sir Hector threw a rock into the lake, and out came the Knucker.
The dragon was massive, but the knight was fearless.
As Sir Hector tired the beast, the demon transformed into a massive serpent; who then wrapped itself around the dragon.
The Knucker was captured and the village was later rebuild, more beautiful than before.

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