The Race

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Sir Gorlagon has heard rumors about a horse; which no other horse can beat.
This unbeatable horse appears on a road and challenges any rider it comes across. As of yet, no rider has been able to beat the horse.
Sir Gorlagon is intrigued by the creature.
So, one day, the knight found himself on the very road where the horse always appears.
The knight looked around, but the horse could not be seen. That was when Sir Gorlagon heard the snapping of a twig.
He looked; and there it was, a beautiful jet black horse.
Using his nose, Sir Gorlagon figured out that the horse before him; was no normal horse.
" A Gytrash " said the knight with a smile.
The Gytrash horse held itself up with pride.
The knight smiled at the horse's confidence and self-pride.
The horse also knew that the knight was not as he seemed.
The horse now looked on, as Sir Gorlagon transformed; into a weredingo.
Sir Gorlagon smiled at the horse, but the Gytrash did not show an ounce of fear.
The knight and the horse both got into positions.
A line was drawn on the road, a target location was chosen, and off they both went.
Sir Gorlagon and the Gytrash were both running with all their might and strength. The very forest and earth shook under their feet.
The race was close, the knight and the horse could feel each other's breaths.
The horse was gaining the lead a little, but then Sir Gorlagon did something unexpected. To pass the horse, the knight could be seen jumping from tree to tree. In doing so, Sir Gorlagon won the race.
The Gytrash ran up to the knight; howling and angrily striking its foot on the ground.
" I did not cheat " said the knight, as he was a human once more.
The horse kept on angrily striking the ground.
" And now that I have won, how about you become my steed? " said Sir Gorlagon with a smile.
The horse seemed to calm down by the knight's offer. The Gytrash gently hit the knight with its head.
" I will take that as a yes "
The knight and the horse were now racing back home; together.

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