Stingy Jack Knight

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Sir Gwyn ap Nudd, a knight of King Culhwch.
But, Sir Gwyn also has another function, he has a similar job as Thanatos.
Sir Gwyn helps deliver souls to Avalon, alongside Plippalinot the Ferryman.
These two serve the gods of Avalon.
Sir Gwyn has been given a task, but this task was not given by King Culhwch.
The task in question was given to Sir Gwyn by the head-god of Avalon; Avalloc.
Avalloc has tasked his underworld knight to find and bring the man known as; Stingy Jack to Avalon.
Sir Gwyn now sets out on his mission.
Sir Gwyn can easily travel throughout the land of the living; and of the dead. He can even travel to the place in between; where Stingy Jack exists.
For you see, Stingy Jack has been banned from heaven and he can not enter hell. So, Jack walks the place between heaven and hell, he walks while holding a lantern, to light the path which has no end.
Jack merely walks and walks, not knowing where he goes.
It was on such a day, that Sir Gwyn walked up to Jack.
" Hello " said the afterlife knight, politely.
" Piss off, " said Jack with venom.
Sir Gwyn giggled.
" You know, you are not the first to utter those words " said Sir Gwyn with a smile.
" What do you want? " said Jack, as he completely ignored the knight's words.
" I have been given orders to bring you to Avalon "
Jack turned around; to look Sir Gwyn in the face.
" Why? " said Jack, confused.
" I did not ask "
" So you are just a loyal dog? "
" I am merely here to fulfill my duty "
Jack walked closer to the knight, he then held his lantern up to Sir Gwyn's face.
" Do you know the story of Sisyphus? "
A smile could be seen on Sir Gwyn's face.
" Are you going to try and trick death? " said the knight, as he leaned closer to Jack's face.
" I tricked the devil himself, " said Jack with a proud smile.
" True - Sir Gwyn paused for a moment - but, look where that got you "
Jack's smile was now gone.
" What does Avalloc want with me? "
" He has a job offer for you "
" I thought you said that you did not know? "
" I lied, " said Sir Gwyn with a smile.
Jack was surprised and delighted.
" So, death also lies? " he said.
" Death can have some fun from time-to-time "
Jack meditated for a moment, he then said;
" Take me to the King of the gods of Avalon "
" With pleasure, " said Death.

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