The Giant on the Penhill

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The people of a local town have all felt the earth shaking one too many times.
The people of the town have asked the King for help, and in turn; King Culhwch has sendt Sir Conan Meriadoc on the task.
Sir Conan was riding to the town to ask some questions, he arrived at a tavern in the town, where he could be seen entering.
Sir Conan sat down, and ordered a drink.
" Aren't ye a bit too fancy to be sitting with the common folk? " said a man next to the knight.
" What makes me appear uncommon? " said Sir Conan with a smile.
" Ye armor, ye clean face and ye white teeth '' said the man, as he finished his drink.
Sir Conan gave his drink to the man.
" Thank you kindly... " said the man, as he was more calm; " so, how may I be of service to a great knight like ye-self? "
Sir Conan now leaned closer to the man.
" I have come to investigate the many strange earthquakes in your town "
The man now grew quiet.
" I see... "
" You sound as if you know something? "
The man was quiet.
" Please tell me, I am here to help "
The man finished his drink, he then said;
" The reason for all my drinking in this here bar... is because I am drinking my sorrows away... "
" What happened? "
The man took a deep breath.
" I lost all me livestock, from cows, sheeps and even to my poor dogs... "
Sir Conan placed a hand on the man's shoulder.
" I am sorry "
" It happened on a day where there was an earthquake. I stayed indoors, when the earthquake was gone; so was my livelihood... "
The man's face now grew serious.
" It was a giant "
" A giant? " said Sir Conan, surprised; " what makes you say that? "
" For its massive footprint is still on my farm "
Sir Conan paused for a moment, he then got up.
As Sir Conan was walking out the bar; he put his bag of money on the table, next to the man.
The man now started to cry tears of joy and hope.
Sir Conan walked to the man's farm, where he followed the massive footprints.
All the footprints were leading to Penhill, which was hidden thanks to a lot of trees.
Sir Conan now noticed the various bones of various animals near the house of the giant.
A twig snapping under the knight's foot could be heard.
Sir Conan now heard a sound from the house.
The earth was now shaking, the door opened; and out came the giant; who took hold of his equally massive club.
" Here we go... " said the knight, with sweat on his forehead.
The giant now gave chase to the knight.
Sir Conan knew that he could not win in strength, so he settled for speed.
The giant was destroying every tree in his way.
Sir Conan now noticed a tree which was too thick for the giant to destroy.
With all his might, Sir Conan climbed up the thick tree, as the giant was trying to hit the knight with his club.
Sir Conan still climbed, as the tree was shaking from the giant's blows.
The knight was now high enough.
Sir Conan pulled out his sword, he then jumped.
With the force of the jump, Sir Conan ran his sword through the giant's head.
With a thundering boom, the giant's dead body hit the ground.
The adrenaline was wearing off, which made Sir Conan exhausted.
But, the knight's loyal steed came to his rescue.

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