The Knight and the Cat

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Cats can be loving and playful, but they can also be evil and harmful.
Sir Geneir Gwystyl was riding through a town, as he rode, he noticed the many scars on the poor people; all the scars resembled that of a claw.
The knight stopped at a well, so that his horse could get a drink.
As Sir Geneir took a drink himself, he noticed a girl crying.
The girl hid her face in her hands, and she was doing her best not to make a sound, while her tears hit the ground.
Sir Geneir slowly walked up to the girl.
" She is a young adult " said the knight to himself; " hello there " said Sir Geneir with a gentle and soft tone.
The girl jumped out of her skin, she had a terrified look on her face, and Sir Geneir noticed her red eyes.
" I am not here to hurt you " said the knight, as he was doing his best to calm the poor frightened girl.
The girl now seemed to calm down, as she noticed that Sir Geneir was indeed a knight, and she did not feel any hostility from him.
The girl now drank some water, she then said;
" Thank you "
" For what? " said the knight, confused.
" For the running away "
Sir Geneir just looked at the girl.
" Do people normally run away from you? "
The girl was quiet for a moment, she then said;
" Have you heard of the Surrey Puma, the creature which plagues this town? "
The knight nodded.
The girl smiled, as she then said;
" Take a closer look at me "
Sir Geneir now analyzed every detail of the girl, from her long jet black hair, to her hopeful green eyes, and her milky skin.
" I see only beauty, " said the knight with a smile.
The girl giggled.
" Look closer, " she said.
Sir Geneir now saw it, the girl's fingernails were all red; the color of blood.
" You are the puma, " said the knight, as he seemed more serious.
The girl was silent, as she drank more of her water.
" I was just a child when I was cursed... the transformation happens whenever there is a full moon... I can not stop it, nor can I control it... I can only suffer, while I make others suffer... "
The girl's hopeful green eyes lost a little of their dimness.
Things were quiet for a moment.
" Do you have a family? " asked the knight.
" I had a family "
That was not the response which the knight was hoping for.
Sir Geneir now sighed, he now stood up and extended his hand to the suffering girl.
" I am cursed... " said the girl, as tears appeared in her eyes.
" And I know a cure, " said the knight with a hopeful smile.
Sir Geneir brought the girl; whose name was actually Penelope, to Merlin.
The great and powerful wizard lifted the curse on Penelope.
Later, after having spent a lot of time together, Sir Geneir and Penelope married one another.
Their relationship was known as; The Knight and the Cat.

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