Beachin' with the homies

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{Bridget's POV}

October 10, 1987

Setting: The Garden Lodge, about to get in Deaky's big ass van (Not Morrison) and go to the beach cottage thingy.

"Ready darling? We will be leaving soon!" Freddie yells.

"Coming!" I yell.

"Bye Bridgie!" Rami says and gives me a hug.

"Bye Rams, have fun with Jim." I say and go downstairs.

"Just in time, they just pulled up." Freddie says and we head outside. I wave bye to Jim-Dad and Kelvin and we throw our stuff in the back of the van (Not Morrison). To save room, I hold my guitar in my lap. We where the second people in the van (Not Morrison), we still had Rog and Rory to pick up.

"Hello Bridget." Brian says and gives me a hug.

"Hello Uncle Bri, I thought you would be sitting in the front?" I asked him.

"Me and Roger volunteered to sit in the back." He says.

"Is it okay if I sit by you?" I ask him.

"Of course." He says. "May I ask why you are holding your guitar?"

"I want to save room in the back for Uncle Rog and Rory." I say and put my seatbelt on.

"That is nice of you." He says. I pull out a book and prop it up on my guitar case.

"What are you reading?" Brian asks.

"From The Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweliler, its my favorite book." I tell him.

"Oh, that one is good. I read it when I was a child." He says.

"Hey dad? Can you turn the radio on?" I ask him.

"Oh sure." Freddie says and clicks the radio on.

{Mamaaaaa ohhh didn't mean to make you cry, if im not back again this time tomorrow}

"Keep this station, this is my favorite Queen song!" Louisa says and sings along. Soon we are all singing along at the top of our lungs and laughing.

Two hours later

Setting: Beach cottage

"Here we are!" Deaky says. We all get out and grab our stuff and Brian shows us to our rooms. It is a four-bedroom house and each room but one has two beds. Roger and Rory get the one-bed room because they would sleep together anyway. It was only 10:00 in the morning, so we decide to head down to the beach. Chrissy and Dominique took me bathing suit shopping last week and I love what I picked out.

"What are you wearing under that dear?" Freddie asks me and point to my orange one-peace outfit

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"What are you wearing under that dear?" Freddie asks me and point to my orange one-peace outfit.

"It is a very appropriate bathing suit dad." I say.

"Okay, I believe you, but don't give me a reason not to." He says. I grab my beach bag and my guitar (Acoustic), and we walk down to the beach.

"Why do you have your guitar?" Laura asks me as we walk down.

"Because I want to play music." I tell her and she nods. We get down to the beach and set up our stuff. Laura and Louisa head straight to the water and Rory and Emily sit down in the sand with a few beach toys. I take my cover-up off and I sit in my chair.

"Do you approve dad?" I ask him.

"Yes I do, its very cute." He smiles.

"Good." I nod and grab my guitar.

"What are you going to play Bridge?" Brian asks me.

"A bit of Bob Dylan if that's okay." I speak.

"Oh that sounds great." He says. I lean back and start strumming "Like a Rolling Stone". Brian grabs the harmonica out of my bag and plays along with me, which makes Rory giggle. I finish the song and put Emily on my lap.

"Want to play with me?" I ask her. She giggles and I put the guitar over us. I grab her hand and she helps me strum. We start playing "Crazy Love" By Van (It is, in fact Morrison this time) Morrison and she loves it.

"My turn!" Rory says after we finish.

"Okay Ror, what do you want to play?" I ask and set her on my lap.

"Da Beatles!" She squeals. I start playing "Here Comes The Sun" (I can't stand that song for some reason but in the book she is playing with a one and a half year old so I figured it fit) and she sang along. After the song I put her down and grab my book.

"Excuse me?" Said a girl who looked about 12. She had a tape of I'm Gonna Love Me Again in her hand.

"Hello." I said and put my book down.

"I really love your album and you inspired me to want to be a musician too. Can you sign this for me?" She asked.

"Of course!" I say and grab an orange marker out of my bag. I sign my name on the tape and heart the "I".

"Thank you so much!" She says and runs over to her family.

"I remember our first autograph." Brian says and looks at the rest of the band.

"Can you tell me about it?" I ask them. I love hearing Brian's stories.

"Well, they saw Freddie first because he was wearing this ridiculous white hat with these tight white trousers and Rogers yellow jacket. They asked if he was Freddie mercury and he said yes. They both had on Beatles shirts, so we signed next to our favorite Beatle." Brian laughed.

"I was reading in this booklet and there is a space-themed museum close by. Do you think the kids would like that?" Deaky asked.

"Oh, I went there before. It isn't the place for Emily or Rory though and Louisa wasn't the biggest fan when I took her." Brian said.

"I've read about it and it sounds like fun." I speak.

"Well, if the two curly-headed nerds would like to go, we can watch Louisa and Emily." Freddie said.

"That sounds fun, would you like to Bridge?" Brian asked me.

"I'd love too!" I spoke.

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