The Performance

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{Bridget's POV}

March 1st, 1988

Setting: backstage at wherever this gig would be at. Bridget is there with her dads, her siblings (Not including the cats unfortunately), her uncles (Which includes Elton and Bowie because they are practically her uncles), Charley, Mere, Felix, Adam, and Bernie. The rest of her cousins will be there when it starts.

Time: 1:25 pm

"Oh my god, I'm so fucking nervous." I said to my dad as he hands me some warm tea.

"I was too my first concert, but once I saw that crowd, all the nerves went away." He tells me.

"Bridget! There is about an hour and a half till you go on, please start getting dressed." Miami shouts at me and Freddie.

"Dear, go put on your costume please and I'll get the makeup out."

"Okay!" I rushed to grab my costume and throw it on. I went behind the dressing barrier and put my costume on. My nails where already painted and my hair was fine, so all that was left was makeup. Most people hire someone to do their makeup, but I don't need too. My dad is an expert.

"Come on into my beauty parlor darling!" Freddie says. I sit down in front of him and he puts his hand on the sides of my face.

"You are so beautiful; you will do great today my dear." He says and gives me a small kiss on my head.

"Thanks dad."

"What would you like?"

"Something not very noticeable, but still kind of stands out."

"I know the perfect thing."

"Mercury whore house! You got the dough, we got the hoes, how may I help you?" I spoke. Freddie and Deaky started laughing and I joined them as Deaky walked in.

"She is definitely your daughter Fred." Deaky says and pulls a chair next to us.

"What are you doing down here Deaks?" Freddie askes him as he focuses on my eye makeup.

"I just wanted to tell my niece good luck before all the chaos happens." Deaky says. Freddie stops putting the glittery stuff on my eye and smiles.

"Aw, how sweet Deaky. I need another Q-tip from upstairs, ill be back." Freddie says. He walks out the door and leaves just me and Deaky in the room.

"You look beautiful Bridge, I love your costume."

(The song playing is Andante Andante by ABBA, keep that in mind for a later chapter)

"Thanks Uncle Deaks."

"You are very welcome. Are you excited?"

"Well, of course. I'm just so nervous. I mean, when Queen preforms, it's a whole band if that makes since. I'm all alone out there on the stage. I really don't want to disappoint the audience."

"Bridget, you are such an amazing girl with amazing talents; you aren't disappointing anyone. I am so proud of you, and so are your other uncles and your dad and anyone else who came out here."

"Thank you, Uncle Deaky."

"I love you Bridge."

"Love you too Uncle D."

"Wow Bridge, you look stunning." Charley says as I come up the stairs. I give her a peck on the cheek and run over to Miami.

"Looks great Bridge, now, can I see your set list?"

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