Imagine -> Making-out with Thor

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Thor came to your door and knocked then walked in the way he always did. Your apartment was a mess. You had stuff everywhere. You were panicking because you couldnt find that one earring. ((Story of my life)) Thor looked around abit confused. "Uh (y/n)?" he called out. You heard him and smacked your head off your bed post. "Ow! In here!" you called. He heard you and came to your room and leaned in the doorway. "Do you need help, love?" he asked. You stood up and shook your head. You hated asking for help. " I can find it myself. Thanks for the offer though." you said patting his chest. He looked at you with the 'Let me help' face. You sighed and held up the one earring you had. He nodded and skimmed his eyes around the room. "I doubt your gonna find it." you said folding you arms. He smiled and bent over picking up the other earring. "Is this what I can not find?" he asks. You roll your eyes and put it in your ear. He smiled at you. "You are so beautiful." He says. You smile back at him. "Tell me something I dont know." you say sarcassicly. He chuckled. You started to pick up after yourself. Thor watched you with a curious look on his face. You stood up and looked at him. "So, whatcha doing today? Wait, lemme guess. Your gonna blow me off to go and doodle around with your cheese ball headed brother, Loki?" you said sighing. He did that alot. "Actually, no. Loki is behind bars and I am all yours." he said grabbing you by your waist. You giggled. "So, whatcha wanna do first?" you ask sitting on your couch with him. "Well, I would like a kiss. If you would be so kind to supply me with one, dear." he said smirking. You smiled and leaned against. "Are you worthy of a kiss, my good sir?" you say giggling. "From such a beautiful lady? No, I am not worthy but if the lady is the fairest, most beautifulest lady then I think I can prove my worthyness." he chuckled. You giggled and pecked his lips. "Well, your worthy in my eyes." you say softly. He smiled and kissed you deeply. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he grabbed your waist and leaned back on the couch turning that into a heated make-out session. You both sat there kissing for about ten minutes before your phone rang. You pulled away and read the text. It was Clint sending you a picture of a taco wearing a pink tu-tu and singing 'Im a Burrito'. You chuckled and rolled your eyes. Clint had ruined the perfect moment with a singing taco. Just Perfect.

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