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Steve: ~Doll

Steve is from 1940 and what did they call most woman back then? Either ma'am or doll. You are his doll. He is the Ken to your Barbie. When he met you, he thought you were perfect. Your complextion, your voice, your smile~. Everything about you reminded him that there is someone out there for him. That he isn't the loneliest man on the earth. He's such a gentlemen to you and you think its cute. He calls ya doll. You call him Stevie or Captain. He thinks it's cute when you walk around saluting him and acting like his soilder.

Tony: ~you little shit OR (when he's feeling seductive) Sweet Cheeks

Lets leave it to Tony to tease and mess around with you. Whenever you do something accidentally like spill something or what not, he would help you clean it up then kiss you calling you one little shit. You chuckle at the name. But then there is when he's seriously up for some fun and he bites your ear whispering "Hey SweetCheeks, Im gonna need some help up in the bedroom. Wanna assist me?" then he'd chuckle and carry you up to the bedroom and show you how much he really needed help~ You call him Genius. He hates it when you mock him but all the same he loves you.

Thor: ~My Lady

Thor is what you Misguardians call "Old Fashioned". He loves to spin you around the room, proud to call you his lady. You loved it when he freaked out over poptart flavors like a little kid. You'd tap his shoulder and smile. He'd respond with a smile saying "Yes, my lady?" You'd laugh and buy him as may poptarts as he could carry. He would gladly in return buy you anything you wanted in this world and his world. If you said gold, he says how much? If you say silk, he says how soft? He really did love you and had a particular way of showing it to his lady. You call him Sweetie. I mean its simple but it fits!! He's as sweet as honey and wouldn't hurt a fly. He's gentle and caring and not what people would expect a 6'6 handsome man to be like.

Bruce: ~AngelFace

Bruce always complains about how he's afraid he'll hulk out an dhurt you one day and you always say "Im willing to take that risk." He thinks your an angel sent to watch over him and love him for the rest of his life and he would give anything to keep it that way. He would DIE FOR YOU. He really loves you as much as you love him. Maybe even more then you think. You call him Greenie. I mean being Tony's sister says alot. You are nothing like his personality. (okay maybe his ego but still) Your sweet, loyal, and caring. You love your brother to death but you cant stand him. He hooked you and Bruce up after you started complaining how your last boyfriend dumped you for a damn slut.

Clint: ~Babe

Clint's nickname is short and sweet.He wanted a better one but yanno he is bad at coming up with things on a short notice so babe is what came out of that moment and it stuck. Sometimes he'd call you baby, or baby girl, or even bae but babe is your main nickname for him. You call him Robin Hood. He hates it but you love it. It fits him. You also occasionally call him Clinty but Robin Hood stuck like a magnet. I mean geez he shoots arrows what name could better? Okay, maybe Katniss but lets not go there. XD

Loki: ~Dearest

Loki is the god of lies and mischeif so you are his dearest. You constantly yell at him for things and he will just plainly sigh happily and reply with "I love you more, dearest." You loved Loki but you couldnt STAND him sometimes. He was such a prankster. Once he poured honey all over you and ran off yelling "I love you my honey dearest!!" you growled and taught him to never pour sticky stuff on yu again. You call him your jokester. I mean sheesh he is a jokester so what could be better!? NOTHING!! You considered calling him your spicy jaelpano' on a stick but that would be weird....really weird.....

Bucky: ~Lovely

James Barnes was never good at this romacne crap but as soon as he met you that changed. He adapted to the feellng and fell madly in love with you. The first words he has ever said to you was "I think your absoultely lovely." and the name stcuk like a barrel of elmer's glue. You loved everything about him even his metal arm. You call him Jamie. You are the only one in the entire universe that could get away with calling him Jamie. His mother barely got away with it. He had NO idea how you knew that his mother called in Jamie. Thats totally weird!! He let you cll him Jamie whenever you wanted because he loves you.

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