Imagine -> Your first Date with Bruce

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You met Bruce at a science convention and you two had alot in common. The when he finally asked you out on that one faithful night, you ran home and squealed happily. You got ready for your big night on the town with Mr. Banner himself. You wore a pretty blue dress and a pair of silver flats. You pulled your hair up into a bun and let your bangs hang to the side. You did your make-up and sat on the couch and waited for him to pick you up. Around 8 o'clock that night, a knock arrived at your apartment door. You opened it to see a bouquet of purple flowers and a very nervous Bruce. "H-Hey.." he studdered nervously as he checked you out. "Y-You beautiful look nice." he studders nervously. You giggled. "Thank you, Bruce." you say taking the flowers from him and heads to the kitchen. He followed you into the kitchen and fixes his bow-tie. You set the flowers in a vase. He watched you, marveling at you. You looked at him and noticed he was staring. "What?" you laughed. He snapped out of his stare and blushed. "I-Im sorry. I-I-I" he sighs. "I just think your beautiful." he said looking away. You smiled and blushed abit. "Your not so bad yourself, handsome." you teased. He chuckled and put his arm out for you to take. You locked arms with him and headed towards his car. He opened the door for you and you got in. He sat in the driver's side and turned the car on. You reached for the radio. "Don't." he said. You stopped. "Why? Don't you like music?" you asked curiously. "Well, I like balads but music tends to make me mad sometimes and Im not...well....compatable when Im mad." he replied while keeping his eyes on the road. You didn't completely understand but you obeyed his wishes. He thought for a long time then turned around and headed for the woods. "Bruce, what are you doing? Where are we going?" you asked alittle confused. "I need to show you something." he replied. He drove the car into a thicket of trees and parked. He got out and opened your door. You stepped out and took his hand. He pulled you further into the woods then stopped at a clearing. It was pitch black. Only a little bit of moonlight shined into the clearing. He pulled his hand away and looked into your eyes. "Before I show you, promise me one thing?" he asked with a tone of worry. "Anything." you replied collecting worry for yourself. "Promise me you'll still love me after this." he said. You were confused. "Why wouldnt I love you? I'll always love you. No matter what." you awnser. He stepped away into the darkness. You looked around for him and all you could hear was the sound of ripping and tearing. Then silence. You were worried. "B-Bruce?" A large figure with green glowing eyes stepped forward. You backed away from it. It stepped into the moonlight and showed it's green skin and large body. You were frightend but when it looked into your eyes you broke down. "B-Bruce?" you whispered. It looked up at you in hope. You were amazed. "Bruce, how did you? Are you?" you stepped closer towards him. He backed into a tree. You stepped up towards him and took his freakishly large hand. "I promised I'd still love you and I do." you said kissing his large lips. You felt him get smaller and wrap his hands around you. You opened your eyes and Bruce smiled at you. You smiled back. "You do notice Im naked, correct?" he says chuckling. You giggled and gave him your jacket to cover himself with. "I love you." you say. "I love you too." he says back and you take him home to get a new change of clothes. That night was perfect. You got home and laid on your couch. You thought that this night was the best in the whole world.

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