#7: Your Addiction and what He does to Help

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Steve: Singing~

You love to sing! And yeah thats not a bad addiction but it still counts! Steve loves to listen to you sing every chance you get. Everyday, as soon as you awake from your star spangled slumber, your singing everything from Ed Sherran to Nat King Cole. You love everything about the way the vocals mixed with the music. Steve loves to sing with you every chance he gets. He doesnt know alot of popular songs but he attempts to learn them just so he could sing them along with you.

Tony: Sex~

Your not a slut or any kind of hooker or anything but ever since you met Tony, thats all you wanted. Sex. When you guys did it for the first time, a hunger for more plastered itself in you. You wanted him everyday of every week, every minute of every hour. You just needed him. He doesnt help the fact that you want sex from him. He just is like WAY MORE SEDUCTIVE. He licks spoons wrong, moans at any moment for no reason, and winks that damn sexy Stark wink at you just to turn you on. You reply with a "Damn you, Tony" and that usually leads to him satisfying your hunger.

Bucky: Cigars~

Yeah, you smoke cigars. James thinks its absoultely hawt. You just simply pop one in your mouth and he goes wild. He loved the way you'd get irritated with him when he hid them from you. You smoked about two to four a day. You needed them. It was your comfort when James was away or busy. He laughs at the fact that you looked like the guy from 'The A Team' so, you just wink at him and call him 'your B.A'

Clint: Birds~

I mean GOD your Clint's girlfriend, of course you love birds! No, you ABSOULTELY love birds. When you and Clint met you were in a tree looking at a bluejay's nest. He thought it was adorable the way you squealed when the eggs hatched and you got alittle too excited when you fell out the tree. Luckly, he was there to catch you when you fell. He loves to listen to you rant about the saftey of birds. He loves you so much.

Bruce: Cigarettes~

You smoke. Simple as that. Bruce doesnt think its simple at all. He thinks its a waste of your beautiful breath. Not meaning he thinks your breath stinks, just meaning he doesnt think someone like you should smoke. He tries to get you to quit but you just can't. Its bad enough you smoke three to five packs a day! Like wow! He hates it so much. He hids your lighters and ash trays so you dont have anything to light the damed thing. But you always have a lighter handy and then you head outside. He can't out-smart you. But if you keep smoking one day, even Clint will out-smart you.

Thor: Caring~

I know it sounds weird but you love to care for just about anyone or anything! Your like a mother to everything! The Avengers are like your children and Thor is your loving husband. Okay, you two arent married yet, but you sure act like you are. Once, Tony and Bruce were agruing on who should get to have the lab and you just simply walked over and smacked them both in the back of the head saying "Share." They never agrued again. You love the feeling you get when someone smiles. You love to care. Thor, well lets just say he loves that you love to love. XD

Loki: Drinking~

You are an acholic. You love to drink. Well, you dont love to drink, you love the feeling you get when your drunk. Yeah, thats it, the feels. Loki hates it when you smother him when your drunk. He tries to keep you away from achol but you seem to slither back to it. You have made Loki cry in worry about you. YOU MADE HIM CRY! A GOD! CRY! He just wanted you to stop.....

Sam: Him~

He's your addiction and your his. You guys are a match made in heaven. He's the bee to your honey. Your the moon to his stars. Your his heart dipped in chocolate and your heart is his milk and cookies. This is a corny addiction and people think you two are crazy but you guys like to think of it as crazy in love. He would do anything for you and you him. You two are soulmates made to be and no one is gonna take his love away from you and no one will take your love awa from him.


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