#3 The promise you asked him to keep

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Steve: To always love you~

You didnt want Steve to ever leave you. So, the night he finally got into the same bed as you and you both settled down and began to sleep, he whispered in your ear a sweet "I love you." You smiled. "Only if you promise to love me forever and always." He smiled and chuckled at your response. "No. I promise to love you for much longer than forever." he said softly kissing your head and wrapping his arm over your waist and pulled you closer to him as if to say "Your always gonna be mine."

Tony: That he cared~

Tony always doesnt come to dinner due to him being in the lab all day. He doesnt come to bed because he would work all night even! You started to think that Tony never cared about you and seconded you to his science thingy. You cried in the bedroom alone as he walked in and ran over clutching him in his arms. "(Y/N) whats wrong?" he asked concerned. "Y-You dont care..." you cried. He imeddiately knew why you were crying. "Im sorry (Y/N). Im just trying to find that damn terrirost that is after me so he doesnt find me and be able to hurt you. I love you." he said. You looked at him and smiled. "Promise to show that you care just abit more?" you asked. He chuckled. "I promise...." and that night he showed you how much he really does care.~

Bucky: He wont let anyone get him down~

James always came home sad and depressed. People keep looking at him weird and calling him a freak due to his metal arm. You on the other hand, loved his arm. It's what made him, well HIM! But one day he came home, once again depressed. You sighed as he closed himself in the bedroom. You knocked on the door and walked in to see your Jamie laying on the bed, sulking. You sighed and sat next to him trying to cheer him up. It didnt work. "Your arm is beautiful." you said randomly. He looked at you. YOU GOT HIS ATTENTION!! SCORE!!! "Dont let anyone get you down because your YOU." you stated firmly. He still just looked at you. You sighed and grabbed his metal arm, kisses it softly. "I love you (Y/N)." he said just loud enough for you to hear. You smiled. "promise me you wont let anyone, and I mean ANYONE get you down. Promise me that, James Buchanan Barnes." "I promise you, (Y/F/N/M/N/L/N)." he said cuddling into you.

Bruce: Always stay postive~

Bruce didnt want you to see 'the other guy' at all. He kept his distance and tried to keep you away. You were sick of it. You ran up to him one day and hugged him tightly. "(Y/N)!! You shouldnt be near me!!" he said pushing you away. You began to cry. "Bruce Banner, I need you! I dont care if you think your dangerous! Your NOT!" you cried. He tried to protest but you went on. "If you get mad, I'll calm you and you know that!" you catched your breath. "You may have another person living in you that might destroy me but Im willing to take that risk. I wanna be there. Just...Just stay positive okay?" you finished. He was crying to. Way 2 go. "I promise you that I'll try and stay positive." he said knowing you wanted him to. That was the first night in weeks you two slept like rocks, at each other's sides. As one.

Clint: To Never change~

The rest of the Avengers thought Clint should straighten up and be the adult he is. You begged to differ. Clint's childness is what made Clint so Clinty-ish. He began to beileve the rest of his team. He stopped cuddling you and he stopped kissing you and hugging you. You started to feel distant so one day he came home, you practically threw yourself on him and hugged him crying your eyeballs out. "Whats wrong, babe?" he asked concerned losing the 'new' attatude. "Dont ever think that your not good enough being yourself." you said crying. He understood. "I wanted to show you that Im not some childish baby. I can be the adult I am, act my age, be stronger." he said. You shook your head. "No! Clint, being a child is what makes you YOU! I would never want that to change! I love you!!" you burst out crying even worst. He was shocked. You loved him? "(Y/N), I love you more than you know. And I promise this to you. I will NEVER change so long as you love me and visa versa." he said bringing you into a kiss. You smiled and hugged his neck. "Pinky promise?" you asked holding your pinky out. He clutched his pinky with yours. "Pinky promise."

Thor: To never beside his family for you~

Lately Thor has been blowing off his family to spend all his time with you. I mean you loved the company but you hated the fact that him staying here all the time is killing his family. Loki has gone bad due to the lack of his brother. His mother is sucidal because she thinks Thor's dead. And his father is very concerned. (Idk what 2 put 4 him) You confronted your Asguardian boyfriend. "Thor, go home. Just for awhile." you said. "What? I am not going to leave you here, lady (Y/N)." he responed. "No Thor. Go to SEE YOUR FAMILY.. or....or Im leaving you." you threatend hopin it was going to work. He shook his head. "Your harmless threats do not scare me, my lady. I am staying here with you." he says seeing inbetween your lies. "Your family needs to see you. I want you to do something for me." you said knowing he would do it if you needed him to. "What do you desire me to accomplish, my lady?" he asked. "Go see your family. Promise them that you would never beside them to me. Promise that just esspically for me." you said clearly. He slowly nodded. "Of course my lady. I do not wish to leave but if you see it fit, so be it." he said hugging you. "And as for the promise. I, Thor Odinson, promise to never beside my family to my lady (Y/F/N/L/N)." he said and that made you smile.

Loki: Never forget you~

Loki has been ignoring you lately.You hated it so bad. You marched up to him and slapped him when you found out about the 'other woman'. He smirked abit amused. "What ever was that for, my dear?" he said slyly already knowing the awnser. "Dont you test me, Loki Laufreyson. I know about that woman your ALSO with. I want it to stop or Im leaving you!" you threatend only to see him chuckle. You flared in anger. "How can you laugh when your fiance' is about to leave you?!" you asked him. He laughed abit more then responsed with a simple word or name. "Thor." he said. You were confused. "What does Thor have to due with you cheating on me?" you asked. He smirked and grabbed your hand which you snatched away. "Dearest, I was bring Jane to Asgurad to see Thor! I wasnt cheating on you." he said still smirking. You actually beileved him! The tone of his voice gave him away. He wasnt lying!! You hugged him. He hgged back. "Promise me you'll never forget me?" you said. He chuckled. "Why would I forget the most beautiful creature inahbitted on this planet?" he responsed. You smiled and spent the rest of the day with him. :D


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