How you met him

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Steve: ~Diner

You worked at the diner he always came to. He was one of the normals that always had a seat at the counter there. Everyone at the diner knew and adored Steve. He was like a dream to you. He entered the diner about 6:00 that morning. "Hey guys!" his voice sounded out through the diner. He was always the first one there. You had already set out his coffee. "Hey Steve! How are ya today?" you asked him as he sat down. "Atcually, I had a question for you." he said. You froze. "W-what is it?" you mumbled. "Do you maybe wanna go out sometime? On a date?" he asked with a shred of hope in his voice. "Sure." you said hugging him from over the counter. He smiled cornyly and hugged back. From that day on, you two have been together.

Tony: ~His assistant

You were Tony's right hand woman after him and Pepper broke up. He always flirted with you. You began to have feelings for this playboy but you knew he didnt feel the same way. One day you walked into his office with paperwork for him. "Hey hot stuff. Whathca got for me?" he asked tilting back in his chair. "You've got 14 secrurity papers to READ and sign for me." you said setting them infront of him because he doesnt like to be handed things. "Awwww. I dont wanna." he smirks. "Can you sign and mail them for me?" he asked slyly. "Thats plagrism. Also copyright infringment. Im not copying your signature. NOW SIGN." you commanded. Thats how everyday went. After he had signed the papers you came back and gathered them but there was a new envelope here. You sat at your desk and read it. It said: Listen, (Y/N) Im bad at saying these things. Thats why you are reading this note obviously. Anyways, I just wanted to ask if you would go on a date with me sometime? Maybe later on, possibly? Or now? If so please come to m—— Your buzzer rang in the middle of you reading the note. "yes?" you buzzed back. "Be mine?" his voice sounded from behind you. You turned around to see Tony with a bunch of your favorite flowers and a sinceir smile on his face. "Yes." you hugged him and you and him have been together ever since then.

Bruce: Work~

You and Bruce worked at S.H.E.I.L.D as scientists together. Well, he was the scientist, you were the inturn. He taught you all kinds of cool things. And one day Tony came in. "I ship you two so much." he said. You and Bruce blushed. "Tony, this is a lab, not a speed dating room." Bruce said. "Yeah? Then why aren't you two dating yet?" Tony chuckled. You blushed deeper. Bruce noticed your discomfort. "W-Well, maybe we are." he said taking your hand. You brightend up. He had just said you were his! Finally! You smiled at him. Tony smirked. "Get it greenie..." he teased leaving the room. "Do you mean it, Dr. Banner? We're together now?" you asked. He blushed lightly. "Yeah, I guess thats cool. And call me Bruce or whatever you want, Angel." he said getting back to work. You squealed and hugged him from behind. "Okay, okay. Lets get back to work before Fury comes and eats us." he said chuckling.

Clint: Park~

You were in the park watching some baby birds hatch. Clint happend to be just scouting out onto of the building across from the park. The eggs started to hatch and you got super excited. Clint decided to take a walk in the park at the same time you decided to fling yourself from the tree you were in. He caught you in his arms. You were abit shook. You stood yourself up with the help of this stranger and then relized you were staring at his muscles. "You okay, Miss?" He asked. "Y-Yeah, fine. So fine." you said, not talking about yourself. "Thats good. So, what were you doing in the tree?" he asked pointing to the tree you just previously fell from. "I was watching the baby robins hatch. I know that sounds weird." you nervously replied. "Really? Robin eggs! I love birds! Their so, so, so.....Hawkeye." he said. You looked at him momentaraly. "Ummm Hawkeye? The Avenger, dude? He's my hero! Who's yours?" you asked him. He chuckled and pulled a bow and a couple of arrows from like nowhere. "I am Hawkeye." he says. You were star-struck. THEE HAWKEYE! "Wow." is all you could say. "Wanna hang-out sometime?" he asks. You nod.

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