Avenging Our HighSchool Years

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(Avengers when they went to highschool)

Steve walked down the hall towards his bestie Bucky's locker. Natasha and Clint were messing around behind him as they walked. Clint poked her and she poked him back. Steve was getting annoied. "Will you two stop!" Steve flailed his red, white and blue notebook at them. Natasha caught it and chuckled, taking Steve's arm. "Why you gotta be a buzz-kill, Stevie?" She battered her eyelashes at him. Every girl in school wanted to be with Steve. EVERY SINGLE ONE. Well, they also loved the famous Howard Stark's son, Tony. "Because Im every particular about annoying people, babe." Steve winked at Nat. Clint pouted behind them, rolling his eyes. Clint had a thing for Nat, everyone knew that but Nat was too busy batting her eyes at Steve to notice. Bucky watched Steve approach his locker. "Whats up, Buck?" Steve asked as him and Bucky did their handshake thing. "Nothing really, Steven. Just hanging out with Sharon, that kinda thing." Bucky responds with a sly grin. Sharon Pierce was Bucky's girlfriend, just to clear that up. Tony strolled down the hall with his group of girls. "Boys, Nat. Feast your eyes upon today's new look!" Tony stood with his arms wide. He was wearing an AC/DC t-shirt with a brown leather jacket and aviator sunglasses, but theres a catch, he was wearing freaking vacation shorts. The group giggled and laughed at Tony. Tony rolled his eyes at them. "Whatever bitches, you know Im fabulous." Tony pouted. Steve pointed a finger at him. "Language." He warned. Pepper walked down the hall past the group. Tony's eyes followed her. Bucky sneaked up behind Sharon and lifted her up by her hips. She squealed and then giggled noticing it was only Bucky. "Dont do that, James!" She waled. He chuckled and drifted an arm around her shoulders. The group was nearly complete. Happy ran over to Tony and handed him a folder. "Your homework is finished.." Happy mumbled, running off before Tony could react. Rhodey jumped up on Tony's back and tackled him to the ground. "Point one, Rhodey!" Rhodes stood back up in victory. Tony stood back up. "That was cheating! I wasnt ready!" Tony whined. "Thats the point, Stark." Clint pointed out. "Alright, all we need is-" Steve was cut off by Thor's loud voice echoing out from the gym going, "I SHALL WIN THIS MIDGUARDIAN GAME OF DODGING!" The group went to the gym to see Thor whooping everyone's ass in a game of dodge ball. "Hey Thor! Wanna go?" Bucky challenged him. Thor gestured for Bucky to join. "Tag-team!" Bucky hi-fived Steve and they ran out to their side of the court. Thor chuckled loudly. "I wish to have the team-mate as well!" Thor ran out the gym to fetch Loki, who was sitting in the library as lord of the nerds. "Loki, brother I wish for you to join me in the game of dodging as an ally!" Thor asked. Loki glanced up at his over-sized brother and sighed, setting his book down. "I simply cannot dear brother. I am studying at this very moment in time. Please excuse me." Loki lifted his book back up and began to read: Dark Magic and Its Properties. Thor frowned and sighed sadly. "As you wish, brother." Thor saw Sif standing with her friends. "SIF, WOULD YOU LIKE TO THROW A BALL OF DODGING AT MY FRIENDED ALLIES?" Sif turned in Thor's direction. "Sure Thor, That would be very into my liking allied brother." Thor and Sif ran back to the gym and then began the game. Sharon and Natasha cheered on Steve and Bucky. By the last game the scored was tied. The Americans had 3 and the Asguardians had 3. This game would determine who wins. Steve threw a spike ball at Thor and he dodged it. Sif whipped a ball at Bucky, which hit him in the no-no zone. He fell on his knees, his hands inbetween his legs. Sharon ran to him, helping him to the stands. Steve was the only one left. If he tagged Sif and Thor out, The Americans won. Thor throw a ball at Steve the same time Sif did. Being Steve, he dodged them easily. The two asguardians teamed up and threw four balls at Steve. Steve got hit with every one. Thor and Sif cheered in victory. Steve got up and congratulated him. The bell rang and the group headed to the cafeteria. They all sat at one table. Pepper and Happy joined them. Their teacher, Mr. Gatroc made an announcement over the loud speaker. "Would James Barnes and Steven Rogers please report to the principal's office." The group looked at the two. Sharon glared at Bucky. "What did you do, James?" She asked and he shrugged. "Nothing yet!" Steve grabbed Bucky by his shirt sleeve and made their way to the office. They sat outside the office before the secratary, Ms. Hodge invited them into the office. The two boys sat down in the office. "Look Mr. Fury, I dunno what I did but it was all Steve's fault, I swear." Bucky blurted out. Steve narrowed his eyes at him. "What?! You dont even know why your in here and your already balming it on me!" "Yeah! Just because your all good infront of Ma doesnt mean your good behind her!" "Dont you bring Mother into this!" "I already did, Spangly!" "Shut up, Barnes!" You, Rogers!" "BOYS!" The two boys shut up and looked at the principal's chair as Mr. Fury turned around to face them. "You both are not in trouble." He said. Bucky and Steve were confused. "But you called us down here.....Why?" Steve asked. "Because for some reason, the JROTC wants you..." Mr. Fury said staring the two boys down. "Jrotc wants me? Are you sure you've got the correct James Barnes?" Bucky sarcastically remarked.  Fury rolled his eye. The visable one.....MOVING ON. "Yes. So, I say report to the meeting Friday and become Jrotc's best soliders." He turned in his chair. "Leave." Those boys have NEVER moved so fast in their lives. As they walked down the hallway, Steve sighed loudly. "Jrotc wants us....Why?" Bucky asked. "I dunno, but Im gonna find out." Steve said entering the Jrotc's main squad room.......(TO BE CONTINUED)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2015 ⏰

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