Chapter 28 "Strawberry filling"

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Since Finn left I have been studying my lines for the play. I was in the middle of looking over one of the scenes when I heard the front door open. I quickly ran out of Finn's bedroom to see Finn and Jack standing in the family room. I ran into him and he quickly wrapped his arms around me. "Looks like someone missed you." Jack teased.

"Let me have time with my boyfriend before I shave your entire head with a knife!" I threatened.

"Okay okay shhhhh" Finn said calming me down.

"I just missed you." I explained. Finn wrapped his arms tighter around me.

"I know I missed you too." Finn explained rocking me slowly back and forth and gently kissing the top of my head.

"You guys are cute and all but where is Nick? I have to bother him. It's my daily routine." Jack explained.

"Probably in his bedroom." I explained.

"Okay I'm off. Don't miss me. Or if you do miss me don't hug me as long as you are hugging Finn currently because I have a hard time sitting still. Well actually I have a hard time doing a lot of things. The other day I tried to open the door and I just ended up breaking the handle. My mom got really mad but I told her I was just opening the door. So I got grounded and" Jack rambled.

"Jack go find Nick please." I said to end his ramble.

"Oh right. Sorry I lost my train of thought..." Jack said walking off.

"I missed you." I mumbled into Finn's chest.

"I missed you too. But I'm here now." Finn said gently pushing up my chin so I was looking at him.

"I can't kiss you my breath probably smells like donuts." I explained making Finn laugh.

"Small kiss. Please?" Finn asked.

"Can I go brush my teeth?" I questioned.

"Ugh you're boring." Finn teased with a smile growing on his face.

"I'm not boring!" I said defending myself.

"Then kiss me donut breath!" He explained.

"Don't call me that!" I complained.

"Okay I wont." He said kissing my forehead. "I'm gonna go see what Jack is up to."

"Okay I'll come with my donut breath" I explained. He laughed and held my hand as we made our way to nick's room. Jack, Nick and Quincy were all sitting at Nick's desk watching him play some kind of video games.

"Did you guys finish making out?" Jack asked in a teasing tone.

"Actually she won't kiss me." Finn sighed joining the rest of the boys as I stood in the doorway.

"Why not?" Quincy asked.

"She said her breath probably smelled like donuts." Finn explained.

"It probably does!" I said defending myself.

"And Finn probably doesn't care y/n..." Nick explained but he was still very focused on his game.

"Exactly my point, I just want to kiss my girlfriend." Finn said looking at Nick's game which was probably a good thing because I'm pretty sure I blushed a little bit.

"Girls am I right?" Jack asked.

"This is why I want to move out of my mom's house." Quincy explained.

"You kiss your mom?" Nick asked.

"You guys don't?" Quincy asked.

"Not on the lips. That's just twisted." Finn explained.

"Quincy Poo loves him mom!" Jack teased.

"Okay no mom jokes in this household. This is a mom story sharing safe zone." Finn explained.

"Yes the MSSSZ for short." Nick added.

"Also the my girlfriend should kiss me because I missed her and that's all I want to do right now zone." Finn explained.

"The MGSKMBIMHATAIWTDRNZ" Jack explained. Everyone was silent for a moment.

"How did you remember all of that?" I asked.

"It's a very common name for a zone." Jack answered.

"So you are to obey the laws of the zone or leave this room." Nick explained.

"Can I at least brush my teeth or something first" I asked.

"Kiss him kiss him!" Jack started to chant.

"Kiss him kiss him kiss him!" Quincy chanted along with Jack.

"Kiss him kiss him kiss him!" Nick joined in.

"Gotta give the people what they want!" Finn said turning his chair around and talking over all of them.

"Are you sure you don't care?" I asked.

"Yes I'm sure!" Finn answered.

"Okay fine." I responded walking over to him.

"Kiss him kiss him kiss him!" The group kept chanting. I leaned down to get at Finn's level because he was sitting down but he ended up laughing and standing up so I didn't have to bend down. He cupped my face gently and pecked me on the lips. The chanting stopped.

"See that wasn't hard!" Jack explained.

"My little brother is all grown up now!" Nick added.

"Was there strawberry filling in the donuts?" Finn asked.

"Oh my god this is so embarrassing." I said covering my face.

"No don't be embarrassed it's good!" Finn explained gently putting his hand on my chin to lift it. He pressed his lips to mine several times making me laugh.

"What are you doing?" I asked continuing to laugh.

"Strawberry filling is my favorite." Finn explained.

"When you guys get married you should have strawberry filled donuts as a dessert!" Jack explained.

"Everything could be like an inside joke!" Quincy added.

"We should be wedding planners..." Nick said.

"Yes. Imagine how much money we could make!" Jack explained.

"What should we call our company?" Nick asked.

"The QNJ wedding planners!" Quincy explained.

"No the NJQ wedding planners!" Nick responded.

"How about the JQN wedding planners?" Jack asked.

"No" Jack and Quincy said at the same time. Finn and I laughed watching the interaction between the three guys.

"Wanna go watch a movie in my room?" Finn asked.

"Sure. And there's a donut I saved for you!" I explained.

"Yes you are the best girlfriend ever!" Finn said kissing my cheek and running out of the room to get the donut. I laughed while following behind him.

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