old feelings

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Shivaay POV

I , the shivaay singh oberia who was known as great wall, is now nothing expect a robot. Only those who know me very well can see the crack that fall on the great wall. even though i shows myself to every one that I moved on and ready to start a fresh life just as my mother wants , I still thinks about her and love her "

I can't stop myself from thinking about her and i still question myself whether i did a right thing by throwing her out and snatching everything from her ..he thinks looking at the chand bracelet moon charm which he found in warehouse.

The another thing i still can't figure out is , why i was in old warehouse and how did anika shawl and her chand bracelet, moon charms were there .

For past 2 years I tried to remember, how i went there and what happened that night but nothing make sense to me .

Shivaay:" I don't know why anika but after coming from that old ware house , I felt like I did something very horrible to you that can't be repaired. I don't know why as much as I try to remember that night , I can remember it .do you know your wish came true ,now a days omru are avoiding me and they even don't like to be in my presence. Congratulations mrs shivaay Singh oberio...you succeed in breaking us . He muttered in anger while breaking the things in his room

Shivaay know that his brothers are searching for her and what he can't understand is why om is still caring for her when she disrespected them all . All his thoughts are broken by hearing pinky voice

pinky:"good morning shivaay , can u drop me on the mall today , ragani calls me for shopping .

shivaay :"ma ask driver to drop u .pls today i have a important meeting with mr ranveer Singh .

Pinky :" wasn't he the son of servants . I heard he gained riches by marrying his owner daughter ishani.

shi:"yes mom he was a servant's son and he work very hard to reach this level ,not by marrying the rich girl. Even he has his own diamond company . anyway i am leaving for meeting, tell ragini i said hello . with that shivay walk away leaving pinky to her thoughts

pinky :"oh my Mata, if shivaay behave like this ,then how can i make ragini my daughter in law.(in her mind when anika went away , shivaay is totaly changed, i thought i will make him forget her and succeed in making her hate him and omru but they stills thinks about her )

Dadi :"what's happening in this house God. when anika went away , this house happiness also went with her"
om : "don't worry dadi , we are also searching for her .soon we will find her then everything will turn in to normal. I promise you we will soon bring this house happiness and peace back "

rudy :" yea dadi . that's rudra Singh promise too"

In paris anika is getting ready for her shooting when her mobile rang showing ishani image, bringing smile on her face "

anika : "hello Mrs vikram Malhotra , how are you doing. Is everything fine there , did anyone doubt you "

Ragini :"Haha very funny , do you think anyone will doubt me with my acting skills . Too bad Ms Anika dexit , you broke my small heart which according to pinky belongs to her son shivaay Singh oberio "

Anika :" shutup Ragani. Stop being dramatic and are you well , how is vikram . I am sorry , because of me you and vikcy are suffering. "

Ragani:" oh shut up idioti , you're saying as if I am some outsider . Don't forget I am your best friend who loves you more than anything..even more than I love my husband.

Anika :" Ragani please don't create jealousy in vicky mind now . Believe me I don't want to face a angry anaconda when I return to India "

Ragini:" yeeaaaaa..finally you're coming back to India, that's great . Wait did the doctor allow you to go and did your treatment get completed "

Anika :" yea , doctor allowed me to go and yea my treatment is over but I still need to eat that bitter pills "

Ragini:" aww baby don't feel bad . I promise you , we will make the oberios pay for what they did to you. If isn't for vicky stopping , believe me I could have killed that ba**** shivaay Singh oberio with my bare hands when I saw him "

Anika :" I already told you ragani..I don't want his death , I want him to suffer , I want him to shed bloodshot tears , I want him to go thorough the same pain , I want him to kill himself just like I tried to kill me . I want that great wall in him to crumble into pieces just like how my heart crumbled. "

Ragini:" don't worry baby..everything will happen just like you wish. I am here now , just wait and watch what's going to happen. Okay anika bye ..I am going to start my first revenge with pinky Singh oberio today in mall "

Anika :" all the best , leave some revenge for me too and love you too .

In mall

Both pinky and ragini are shopping in mall , when ragini saw ishani there who shows thumps up to ragini , indicating that everything is ready for their first revenge. Ragini smirks and smiled at her .

Pinky was busy selecting dress for her , when she saw ragini approaching her with huge smile .

Pinky :" what happened ragini beta , that you're in all your smiles . Tell me ."

Ragini:" aunty , today ranveer Singh Malik is opening his 14th branch of diamond jewelry on the mall today. Can we go and have a look , I always love their collection. Please aunty can we go , I need to buy a matching set for upcoming party in oberio's empire "

Pinky :" yea sure ..sure , Let's go , why not . Infact I will itself help you in selecting the jewelry, who knows may be it impress shivaay and finally he can also forget that gold digger anika" pinky said looking at her bag , if only she could see ragini face she could have seen the erupting volcano on her face for calling her friend gold digger.

Ragin:" too bad Mrs. Oberoi, you call my friend gold digger but today the whole world will call you in that name " saying she smirk and followed pinky to Ranveer shop .

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