An Actor

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Shivaay and oberios are having their evening coffee, whey they say a news reporter saying that ''pinky Singh Oberoi " got arrested for stealing a diamond.

Shivaay:" what the hell, how dare they accuse my mother like that. " saying shivaay called his lawyer.

Shivaay:" I don't care what you do but I want my mother out and also the blame placed on her, should need to be removed.  Call the jewelry owner and settle this matter soon "

Lawyer:" sir only I can arrange the bail, it's very hard to remove the blame from her. It's like someone wanted to frame her "

Shivaay:" Is it. Who has the guts to do that? Everyone knows messing with shivaay Singh Oberio is like inviting destruction on themselves "

Lawyer:" Don't I know that sir, Afterall I saw firsthand how you destroyed anika ma'am. In my presence only you forcefully made her sign the contract papers. " on the mention of anika name, shivaay heart did flip shots, he still feels so guilty for the way he behaved after Sahil death but then it needs to be done, he can't lose his mother too. 

Shivaay:" shut up, you mind your own business. Don't need to advise me. "

Shivaay:" khaana immediately arrange the meeting with Rk companies CEO."

Khanna:" I tried already sir  but their secretary told me that their boss is busy as its Friday, he will be  with his family after 5 and nobody is allowed to disturb him "

Tej:" what rubbish is this, he denied us oberios, what kind of businessman he is, what he thinks of himself. I can't believe shivaay this is the same man who wins businessman award this year defeating you"

Shivaay:" No problem, if he can't meet me then I will go and meet him. Khanna come let's go "

Shivaay and Khanna reached the "IRK" Mansion and to their surprise, only two bodyguards are there.

Bodyguard:" who are you sir and what you want "

Khanna:" we are here to meet Mr. Kailash waghela. Tell him SSO is waiting "

Bodyguard:" sorry sir we can't let him meet you, it's over 6 pm and our sir like to spend time with his family. You can come tomorrow for a sponsor" on hearing this shivaay got angrier and stepped out from his car and start moving towards IRK mansion.

As soon as shivaay entered the IRK mansion he stopped there looking at the happy faces of everyone sitting around the old woman playing cards all the while teasing each other.  He felt like he was breaching their happiness. Somewhere unknowingly a tear left his eyes, seeing the happiness and smile in the face of the family.

"Sir! Please leave, don't create any problems sir. " the bodyguard said while all the family members on hearing him stopped playing and look at the source of the voice

Ranveer:" I know Tsunami will come but I didn't expect this soon ". Ranveer got up from his place and moved towards shivaay and greeted him.

Shivaay:" Mr. Waghela, I didn't have time for chit chat. Just name your prize, I will give you and in exchange, you need to help me to prove my mother innocence.,"

Ranveer:" what makes you think that I want something from you Mr shivaay. If you see I have everything I need to live a happy life. God has gifted me everything, I don't need anything from you and second of all, I think you forget but currently ''RK''companies are  in top 5 while Oberoi industry is in somewhere 973 places"

Shivaay:" Mr. Ranveer, mind your language. Don't forget whom you are talking too" shivaay shouted while Ranveer calmly looked at him "

Ranveer:" I could ask you the same shivaay, you too don't forget whom you're talking with. It's not me who wanted something, it's you who need something from me " he finished and suddenly they heard a loud noise coming from the kitchen. Ranveer and shivaay ran towards the kitchen expecting the worst only to stop dead by the door

Ishani:" Today also I burned the food and cause a fire in the kitchen.  God I hope, he is not angry with me. " she murmured while wiping the blacks in from her cheek and hands.

Ranveer:" what's going on here Mrs. Ranveer. I know we are rich but that doesn't mean your husband should spend his money to clean and renovate the kitchen every week "

Ishani:" Ranveer I am sorry, I don't know it will burn too."

Ranveer:" leave it, I will ask the cleaning team to clean tomorrow and once again to renovate our kitchen. Ishani please try to help me to minimize our kitchen expenses. It's been so long darling since I can see the kitchen without anyone repairing or cleaning or painting it "

Ishani:" Did you just blame me Ranveer. How dare you, If you love your kitchen this much then why the hell you marry me. You Tadibaaz monkey" she said looking at Ranveer with a murderous glare but all while shivaay was smiling seeing at them. This fight between them brought him back to the time he and anika fight for making his kitchen ugly. Even khanna has a huge smile seeing them fight.

Ranveer:" I didn't mean like that, who cares we are renovating or repairing once a week, if needed we can daily too. You do whatever you want Ishani, let me see who has the data to question you ". he pacified her by kissing her forehead which was too much for shivaay that he left from there.

After making sure, Ishani was alright Ranveer came to meet shivaay.

Ranveer:" sorry Mr shivaay, that's my wife Ishani. She has the habit to set my kitchen on fire. She is very unique and exclusively mine. I bet this the first time you meet someone like her "

Shivaay:" No, even my anika is like that only. She too has the habit to set fire to our kitchen. " he said in a trace but stopped seeing khanna sad smile at him. Realizing that he called anika as his, shivaay shift his face into stone mode. But all the while both khanna and shivaay failed to notice the change in Ranveer calm expression. He looks like he will kill shivaay. "

Ranveer:" well Mr shivaay, I will help you in your mother's matter if you agree to my one condition. Afterall I am
a businessman too and I have to think like one "

Shivaay:" what condition, what you want Mr.  Ranveer "

Ranveer:" I want you to act in the movie that my friend vikiram is taking"

Shivaay:" what, have you lost your brains. Do you know I am a businessman, not an actor "

Ranveer:" But with the acting skills of yours can give you even Oscars Mr shivaay and here you're saying, you don't know acting.  Such a bad lier " on hearing him shivaay face lost all its color.

Shivaay:" what nonsense are you talking about.  "

Ranveer:" Look Mr shivaay, do you want me to help with your mother case or not. If you want my help, you have to agree otherwise I hope you can solve it on your own," he said smirking

Shivaay:" I need some time to tell. "

Ranveer:" Fine, meet me on Monday. I will get the contract papers ready. " as soon as shivaay went from there, Ranveer messaged someone "phrase one success, get the papers soon ".

"Sir, can I have a selfie with you " suddenly a voice asked, making Ranveer afraid for a second? He looked up to see khanna there with a phone, all set to take a selfie.

Ranveer:" selfie..ahh sure but why suddenly," he asked while posing for the picture which khanna happily click.

Khanna:" Because you made him do something, we all are trying for this 3 years. Thank you, sir. In these 3 years we have tried so many things to make him say "Anika ma'am " name but today because of you he did. Thank you very much sir " he hugged Ranveer and left from there. More like run from there, leaving poor Ranveer to his wild cat wife.

Ishani: "what the hell is that, why did that man take a selfie with you and hugged you. Ranveer are you having affair behind my back. God, I never knew, you're that type. Chee, don't come near me today, better sleep on the couch. I wasted 5000 on Victoria secret because of you '' saying she left from there leaving Ranveer to curse Khanna Ji "

Somewhere in Delhi

Priyanka is playing with a baby while Ranveer looked at her and the baby with both happiness and sadness. A sad sign escaped from  him thinking about the baby mother, who don't have any idea about it.

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