Familiar ache

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Sun rays light the room, waking two souls from illusion. As soon as shivaay woke up from his slumber, his hands automatically moved towards the drawer cabin, as soon as his hand found its target, he brought them towards his face and opened his eyes seeing the portrait of a smiling anika.

"Good morning love, I know I don't have any right to call you that but still that beating organ will always beat for you only, though I am sure know, one of the upcoming days, it too will forget its beats. Either way, I just hope you will live a happy life without the shadows of past hunting you," he said kissing her picture before getting up to do his routine.

As soon as shivaay opened his room, he finds khanna instructing the cook to add more mint to his soup. "Leave the poor lady khanna, this amount of mint is enough Clara. You can leave " he said drinking the tasteless soup.

"Sir, today there is a bid for Oberoi mills in Malgudi, tej sir asked you to save it " khanna informed.

"Ask him to call Rudra, I am not in the mood to deal with those predators. I did enough on my share to save the oberio reputation. I have to be in the pound within one hour, the doctor is arriving to check the health of fish. "Shivaay replied folding the neatly folded newspaper.

"Sir! regarding that, since no one is using this farmhouse except you, dadi asked you to sell this place. I mean she said '' it has a high chance for us to have a good amount, that maybe we can save Oberoi industry from bankruptcy." Khanna muttered in a low voice but as soon as he finished, the coffee cup beside shivaay flow and hit the opposite wall, breaking into small pieces, just like the owner.

"This is not just building, it's my lost source of peace, where I can breathe freely without suffocating. Tell dadi, I can't. This is all I have of her. I can't lose this too, for the sake of the Oberoi family. I am not that much of a wall " shivaay whispered before moving from there.

As soon as Anika woke up, her hands similar to shivaay move forward to grasp her target near the bed. She brought that thing before her eyes and opened them to the letters "few more days before shivaay Singh oberio destruction "

"Yeah, just a few more days anika. Just a few more than you can sleep peacefully without the cries of the past," she said to herself swallowing few pills.

As soon as entered the kitchen, she found her monkey gang cooking something on the stove. Somehow on seeing Ranveer, veer, and Siddharth cooking sincerely while Ragini and Ishani eating brought a familiar ache in herself. Words flow out of her mouth before she controls them "shivaay, om, and Rudra make sure you add desi ghee in aloo puri".

As soon as those words left her mouth all stopped their action looking at anika in pity while veer looks so broken and sad that he left the kitchen abruptly.

" I am sorry guys before I can control words spilled out. I am sorry "Anika uttered looking down unable to look into their eyes.

"It's okay anika, sometimes we all do mistakes, we understand. Sometimes we slip and you're not the only one, even we do. '' Siddharth said trying to comfort her.

"Yea anika, even me and Siddharth slip sometimes and watch some porn without our wife's knowledge. Though we both promised not to do that " Ranveer says trying to cheer her up, unaware that he let their secret slip and now both wives are glaring at their husband.

"Stupid, can't you do anything properly, they caught us " Siddharth whispered feeling Ragini's hard glare. On hearing him Ranveer looks from anika to Shalini who was busy sending him a murderous glare.

Somehow the situation the boys caught themselves in, seems very comic to anika that she started laughing so loudly.

Anika:" hehehe..god you two...if I don't know...hehe...I could say you both are gay and...hehe cheating my beauties. She laughed so hard that veer who was upset early even formed a smile on his face on seeing her.

Veer: "God, how much I miss seeing this smile and happiness on your face anika. I could do anything to bring back the happiness in your life anika, even if I have to lose you to shivaay once again and lead an empty life, I will do " he vowed to himself while whipping the happy tears.

Ragani:" ok, come on. I am hungry, I need to stuff up before going to Oberio mansions today," she said moving towards the table followed by all.

As soon as the girls sat, the boys started serving, once again bringing the familiar ache in anika.

Ragani:" serve quickly siddhu, God I can even eat the elephant." She said serving herself a few parathas, dosa, and French toast followed by panner fry

Anika:" Ragani, slow down. Food is not going anywhere. God I never knew going to Oberoi mansion brings this much hunger to you "

Siddharth:" Anika this is nothing, compares to the amount she eats after coming from the Oberoi mansion. She made herself sick "

Ragini:" shut up baby , Anika it's okay, I am not that stressed. It's just Prinyaka husband and omru ,irritate me and insult me, sometimes it's too much and food is the only source to escape," she said while digging her fork into the pasta.

Anika:" I am very sorry Rags, because of me you're going through this. If anyone insults you too much, just give them back twice. "

Ragini:" unfortunately I can't ani when I know they are saying it because of the love they have for you. You know, if it's not for revenge, I really might go on a date with one of them," she said making Siddharth have a mini heart attack

Siddharth:" Baby, last time I check you were married to me and both omru are married too. I hope you haven't forgotten that. "

Ragini:" oh shut up sid, I know I love you, you don't need to keep reminding me that. What I am saying is, anika you should think of your revenge only on shivaay and leave omru. It's not fair"

"fair, now you're talking about fair. Let's not forget Ragini, my brother get killed because of his fairness. He always used my brother to get his way and at last, my brother died because of him, and my family gets destroyed because of his family, and on top of it, I became infertile because of him. If this hurt you, I am sorry Ragini but hurting omru is the only way I can avenge shivaay. " Anika shouted before leaving from there.

Veer:" Ragini, if acting evil is too hard, just inform us, we can find a replacement. "

Ragini:" If you're not so lost in your pain of losing anika, you may have noticed that anika still loves omru as she loved sahil, hurting them will surely hurt her, no matter what she says otherwise. If you wanted to see her happy, then make sure she didn't commit any mistakes that she will regret in the future " saying Ragini leave for Oberoi mansion to continue her act of being shivaay fiance.

Anika is walking back and forth in her mother's garden when veer finds her.

Veer " you know, I feel so bad for your footwear. Look at them getting shabby so early due to their Hitler owner. " he says sitting on the wooden bench.

Anika:" if you expect me to apologize for what happened in the dining room, I am sorry, you're talking with the wrong person "

Veer:" I am not here for that, I just want to make sure that you wanted this. I don't care about the Oberoi family but hurting them will hurt you means, then I rather protect them with bodyguards and missile cars. I just want you to look into my eyes and say, you want to hurt omru to destroy shivaay, say that the next second both omru will be destroyed to the level, that gives shivaay a nightmare for all his births. Just say anika"

As veer urged her, when anika looks into veer eyes to say her decision but she found something there, which she was running away from. Which she believes shivaay had for her but instead he broke hers and throws the reality of his nature in her face. She finds love in veer eyes for her.

Veer is looking at anika with worry and love waiting for her reply when anika caught him off-guard and ran away from there.

As soon as anika ran from there, she felt the familiar ache in the left side of her ribcage where her heart resides. Only this time this ache is not for shivaay but for some other man.

Sorry, if it's not up to your expectations. Do comment your views and do tell me whether you want shivika or aniveer

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2021 ⏰

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