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Y/N PoV:

After training Ash and I head back to the hotel. As much as I like Ash, I am not ready for anything yet. I have to tell her, but I don't want to hurt her. 

"Hey Ash can we talk real quick?" I ask her

"Yea what's up?" she asks

"Look I really like you, and these past couple of days have been amazing, but I don't think I am ready for a relationship. I was cheated on by my last girlfriend, with my best friend, and I trust you I really do, but I don't want to get burnt again. It still hurts, and I don't want to lose you. Which is why I talked to Jill. I told her I want to finish school, and work my way up to the national team. I can still train but I am on the U-20 team. It's not fair to these players that worked hard, just for me to pass them off of one training. I will always be on Jill's radar, and still see you." I explain nervously. 

"I get it, I will wait for you, I really like you too, and I won't hurt you. But I understand you need space. I understand the national team thing also, and I don't blame you, I will always be here for you as a friend, for anything you need. We can work our way up to a relationship, if you still want one, when you are ready." She tells me as she wraps me in a hug. 

I feel so much better now that I talked to her. I hoped she would understand, but didn't think she would wait for me. Once we talked I decided to go work out, It's not much but it is an all day kind of thing: 

5 push ups, 20 sit ups, 25 crunches, 2 minute squats, and lunges every hour, and then 3 miles on my bike, and 2 sprints across a soccer field, on top of running the bleachers for 15 minutes. 

I need to stay in shape if I want to get to the national team, and I may kill myself while doing it but it is worth it, I will feel so much better when they run us in camp. I come back from biking and my running and see Ash.

"Oh my god when do you not work out, you are so fit, and you push yourself over the edge, are you even human?" she asked jokingly? 

"Yea, just trying to stay in shape, I have to prove myself to these coaches, it's not everyday Jill sticks her neck out for a player." I tell her. 

She hums in response as I hop into the shower. After my shower I pack my things and get ready to head back to my dorm so I can get ready for my classes later in the day, night classes suck but oh well. Ash dropped me off and promised to keep checking in on me. I take a quick nap before heading to class, and then one last training before bed. 

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