I made a new character!

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Hello, everyone! So, I made up a new original character, just for fun, and I wanted to tell you guys about her.

Her name is Mira, (i don't have a middle or last name for her at the moment), and she's just a random girl I imagined lol. I wrote part of a story about her, but it's not finished, it's just kind of a short excerpt.

Here it is:

"Mira? Come out here, please," Josephine called.

"Coming, Auntie," Mira called back in her thick Scottish accent. She stood up, tying her mess of curly red hair back into a ponytail the best she could, then left Aunt Josephine's library, leaving The Big Book of Grammar on the reading table.

"There you are," Josephine said when Mira walked into the kitchen. "You didn't use the doorknob on the library door, did you?"

Mira sighed, letting her hair fall down onto her shoulders when the hair tie she was using snapped in half. "No, Auntie. I didn't use the doorknob," she lied, just to calm Josephine down.

"Oh, good," Josephine nodded, nervously wiping her hands on her pants. "You know the doorknob could shatter into a million pieces and hit your eye! Well, the Baudelaires are coming today. Did you set up the extra bedroom for them like I asked?"

"Yes, I did." Mira nodded, making her hair bounce wildly.

"Go... brush your hair or pull it back or something," Josephine said, waving her hand towards the fiery red mess that occupied Mira's head.

"Alright, I will," Mira agreed, trying to pat her hair down.

"And put on that nice new blouse I bought you," Josephine added. "But be careful to take the price tag off. But don't use the scissors! Those could cut your fingers off. And put the tag in the trash can right away, someone could choke on it."

"Yes, Auntie. I'll be careful and I promise not to choke on tags or cut my fingers off," Mira said.

"Yes, well... good. Off you go," Josephine said.

Mira walked to her bedroom and tried yet again to tame the beast that was her hair. She managed to pull it into two semi-neat french braids, but little bits of her hair stuck out everywhere. She sighed and found herself wishing that Aunt Josephine wasn't so afraid of electricity so that she could just straighten her hair out. Her wishing was to no avail, so she put on the new baby blue silk shirt and threw its tag into the trash can to settle Josephine's nerves.

"Mira! The Baudelaires are here!" Josephine called. Mira perked up, ready to have new friends after her boring life with Josephine. Pausing to check herself in the mirror for a moment, she raced to the front door and saw three children standing in the doorway.

"Don't knock, you could get splinters," Aunt Josephine was saying to them. "Come inside, but be careful of the welcome mat. You could trip and break your necks!"

Mira sighed as she saw the concerned looks the Baudelaires were giving Josephine. "Auntie, don't scare the poor things," she said, causing the children and Josephine to move their gazes to her. "If they tripped, worst that could happen would be they got rug burns."

"No, no, Mira," Aunt Josephine said, shaking her head. "You made a grammatical error. You said 'they got rub burns.' But you should have said 'they get rug burns' because they didn't get the burns yet."

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