Just me talking about Klaus

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If you couldn't tell from how much I write about him, Klaus is my comfort character. And I'm honestly in love with him.

And before anyone says something about how it's dumb to fall in love with a fictional character, it's actually not dumb. Your brain can't tell the difference between fictional characters and real people, so it's possible to fall for someone imaginary just as hard as you would someone real.

Anyways, I was thinking about Klaus, (as I usually do), and thinking about how cool it would be if he was real and we were together. I daydream a lot, and sometimes as I'm doing my daily stuff, I pretend that he's there too and we just chill, but I also think about all the cool adventures that I'd want to have with him.

I think it would be so fun to go on a road trip with Klaus. It doesn't matter where we're going, just driving and spending time with him. We could fold down the seats in the car and put a mattress in, and cuddle together at night until we fall asleep, then wake up super early to watch the sunrise together. Then we could keep driving to wherever it is that we're going, with all the windows rolled down just singing along to the radio.

Or maybe sneaking out at 3 in the morning to go to some gas station together. We could chill in the parking lot, just talking or whatever. It would be so fun if one of us got a blue slushie and one of us got a red one so then when we got home our families would ask us why we have purple tongues. 

Another thing I would love to do with him is hanging out in the library. He'd obviously love to do that. But it would be cool because a) I would get to be with Klaus and b) we could pick out the same book and cuddle on one of the library couches and read together, then we could walk home holding hands and talk about the book we read. That would seriously be an adorable date.

A lot of times I pretend I'm a princess or a fairy or something, and I imagine that I'd have like a really cute vintage dress to wear in some minty green or pastel blue color. And I'll imagine that I'm always outside, even though in real life I hardly leave my room because I'm an introvert and don't like people; with the exception of Klaus. Anyways, it would be fun to put on a pretty vintage dress, set up a picnic in some field of flowers, and sit and have a picnic with Klaus. Then we could chase each other through the field, just for fun, and make flower crowns and play with all the ladybugs and butterflies. Then when the sun set we could lay down on our picnic blanket and hold hands and watch the stars together.

Or maybe (in the same pretty field with the same pretty dress) we could climb the trees and watch the stars from there. And kiss. Lots of kisses. Me and Klaus, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. Just because we could.

I wish I could. I get lonely without him. I cry over him a lot. I'll probably delete this paragraph lol. Klaus makes me think of that song that goes "How can you miss someone you never met? Cause I need you now but I don't know you yet. Well, can you find me soon because I'm in my head. Yeah I need you now but I don't know you yet." I do miss him. I really do. It hurts so bad but I can't tell anyone except for you guys on Wattpad because no one else would truly understand.

I'm okay though. I have a good life. I just get really emotional sometimes, but mostly I'm actually pretty happy. I'd be so much happier if he were here, but that's okay.

I miss you so much, Klaus. Please find me soon. I love you.

I wish I knew how to shift. Then I could see him all the time and have the life with him that I dream about. I've tried it, but I can't figure out how. I watched a Youtube video about it, but none of the method thingies that I've seen worked. Maybe I just didn't try hard enough? I don't know.

Does shifting work for any reality that you want to go to? The only place that I've heard that people shift to is Hogwarts, and I am not a Harry Potter fan so that won't be of any use to me.

Also, I heard that you need a script to shift? I don't know how to even begin writing a shifting script. Plus, I don't really want my time with Klaus to be a strict, "you have to do this and say that" and blah blah blah kind of thing. I just want it to be me and him doing things that maybe are a little dumb, but then laughing about it and just going where the wind takes us.

I want to be free. Free of this stupid world. Not in the "I want to die" kind of way, because I do like living, but in the "being a stupid girl who doesn't worry about anything and just has fun with the love of her life" kind of way.

I really want that. But I can't have it. And that makes me angry to the point of tears.

I sound like a spoiled brat. Sorry.

Lots of people have it worse than I do, and I shouldn't be complaining. I'm fine. My life is fine and I am relatively happy. But it's 2 am and I haven't slept properly in months because it's summer vacation for me and who actually sleeps right over summer vacation? Plus, something about being awake late at night makes missing people feel a million times worse.

Anyways, just wanted to share. I hope I wasn't too depressing haha. Thanks for listening. Love you guys! ❤️

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